So MapleMouseMama is my own little version of an online journal, a diary of sorts and an open forum where I can write about this and that. I have always enjoyed writing and even toyed with the idea of writing a book. I had a title all picked out. It was to be called “On Sparrow Lake“. It would be about the wonderful summers I spent on Sparrow Lake near the town of Gravenhurst in the Muskoka region, making friends and memories galore, including meeting my future husband there. ♥♥ I have not completely shelved the idea of a book, but the title would need work. Writing is a wonderful way to express yourself, even if it is ultimately just for you. So, even if this little blog only ever sees my eyes, I am going to enjoy it to the fullest.
It is also going to be about life; mine and those around me. I really like the idea of having a place to keep special moments in my children`s lives safe, where I can visit them whenever I choose. ♥♥ I have two beautiful children. As of 2019 Emily is sixteen and William is ten. They complete me like nothing in this world could. We have a sweet little puppy named Georgia, who is two. Along with my incredible husband Doug, we have a pretty good life. Full of it`s own challenges and it`s own rewards.
Food Allergies became a very serious part of this life when William was just eight months old. Talk about a shock! While we still face struggles with this almost every day, we have also been opened up to literally a whole new world ( yes, this would be a Disney reference ) I plan to blog about this growing danger to our children’s lives, lay out my fears and complaints and maybe, if I am lucky, get to know some great people who have this same issue.
And then there is Mickey and his wonderful world of Disney. I will put things here about Disney just because I want to and because I can. Disney World is my happy place, as cliche as it sounds. If I can`t be there then I can think about it here. And write about it and talk about!! I just love all things Disney, plain and simple.
You can find my musings as an official Blogaholic at the Parent Tested Parent Approved site. You can also find me writing for several great sites including The CMR (Canadian Mother Resource), ThemeParkMom Leigh Caldwell and Sandy Allen from Canadian Blog House! Have a look around, maybe read my posts and the many others they have and share some comment love. ♥
If you would like to get in touch, I would love to hear from you! You can contact me at:
- Email: rudges2@gmail.com
- Facebook: facebook.com/MapleMouseMama
- Twitter: @MapleMouseMama
- Instagram: MapleMouseMama
- Pinterest: MapleMouseMama
- YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCGAwo3SjCcZszeNg1BaS1Ig
So, read if you will, ask if you want and ultimately just enjoy!