They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder, but that is not always the case. Sometimes, as much as you love someone or something, you need time apart. Time to take care of other things. Things that require your full and undivided attention for a surprising length of time. Almost 12 years ago, I took a chance on myself and started my own blog. This blog, and I am extremely proud of what I have built. Taking a sabbatical was something that I needed for my family and for myself. ♥
But, I am back. It has been a long break and it will take some time to get back up to speed. That said, I have missed this place so much. MapleMouseMama has always brought me joy, even when writer’s block would spring up or I had system issues. Pressing that publish button was a form of self-care. It always made me feel good knowing that I had created something special. And left my mark if not on the world, at least on the internet.
And so, dear reader, I hope I have not lost you all. I have always enjoyed interacting with you and reading your thoughts and opinions on what I had to say. I can’t promise a constant stream of content, but I will be present, posting when I can. Thank you for your patience and your support. I haven’t just missed this space on the web, I have missed you too. Welcome back. ♥
Welcome back my friend! I’ve missed reading your blog and am so happy you are sharing your story once again. I can’t wait to keep reading more!