Okay so I know that you know that I don’t usually put hashtags in my post titles. I don’t put them in the post itself either. Not because I don’t care, but mostly because I never really understood the why part. I will admit it, I am Twitterless ( as in clueless ) when it comes to Twitter. But, that is all changing with this great promotion I have become involved in. A few days ago a call went out on this Facebook group I belong to for any Social Media moms who were interested in participating in this blogger challenge. This was the perfect opportunity for me for several reasons: the bloggers had to be in the South Central Ontario area, which I am; I have been looking for new ways to expand my reach into my own community AND this would be a great opportunity to work with someone I have admired in the Social Media Arts, Mara Shapiro (@ChickyMara) 🙂
Fast forward a bit, my “application” was accepted and I became a part of the six member #TeamChicky !! This blogger challenge is called Spot the CAA Partner Brand Ambassador Campaign and it is all about CAA and their new loyalty program, aptly called CAA Rewards (#CAARewards on that Twitter thing). The whole idea is for Team Chicky (and a few other teams) to spread the word about CAA Rewards and the great deals and promotions they have by using Social Media. Along the way the teams will earn points and in the end Team Chicky will be declared the Ultimate Grand Supreme winner (my magic 8 ball told me so it has to be true.) I am pretty sure there are no tiaras or reality TV show deals involved, but I would be happy with bragging rights. 🙂
The good part is that while we are spreading this awesome news you are not only learning about the savings to be had by shopping with your CAA membership card in hand (both in stores and on line), but South Central Ontario residents will have a chance at some great prizes!! Cue #CAARewards and remember to watch for it ( and not just on Twitter cause I am telling ya, these things are popping up everywhere!)
And now I would like to introduce you to…..
Mara Shapiro, Team Leader @ChickyMara
Paula Schuck @inkscrblr
Jennifer Martin @momvstheboys
Melanie Deland @MBAMamaMusings
Rossana Wyatt @RossanaWyatt
Suzanne Rudge @MapleMouseMama
I have a little favor to ask of my lovely followers. How about checking out CAA South Central Ontario on Facebook HERE ( maybe show them a little LIKE) and on Twitter (@CAASCO) You might even want to check out my fellow teammates. They are all fascinating and savvy Social Media mavens 🙂
Gemma says
OK, I too, will admit my technological shortcomings and tell you that I don’t even know my way around my cell phone, let alone belong to Twitter. However, I am a CAA member of long standing, so can I take part in any of what you are promoting here, Suz? BTW- Congratulations on making the Team! 🙂
MapleMouseMama says
LOL thank you Gem, on the congrats and the offer to help. It is very simple really. This challenge is to promote that CAA has brand partners that you, as a CAA member, can earn points for just by shopping at them, either through the CAA eStore or at the actual brick and mortar stores by showing your card. CAA South Central Ontario will be giving out prizes to their members so make sure you show your card, but do check out the site in my post to see where you can earn these points at!
I would love to hear about any savings or deals you come across. 🙂