A phrase that is often associated with major award shows, like the Junos 🙂 or The Academy Awards is, “it was an honor just to be nominated“. It is one sometimes used to be facetious when a person does not win said award. It is also used when someone loses out on […]
2012 in review for MapleMouseMama
The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog. So, just for fun I thought I would share it with my readers! Thanks for the recap WordPress!! Here’s an excerpt: 600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 9,600 views in 2012. If every person […]
What Do I See?
I am sitting in my kitchen on the first Sunday morning in October and the year is 2012. I am contemplating what to write about. I really enjoy writing on a Sunday morning when the house is quiet and everyone is still in bed. Don’t get me wrong, […]
Happy First Birthday MapleMouseMama!!
Wow, it is so hard to believe that one year ago today I started out on this little adventure known as my blog, my MapleMouseMama. To say I am proud of myself is beyond how I truly feel. See? I am having a major vaklemp already.:-) This is […]
My Bucket List for 2012
Okay, so I know that 2012 is more over than not, but a defeatist attitude is a poor attitude so I am choosing to remain positive! I have been thinking lately of the things I had hoped to accomplish by now and how many of […]
Disney Fans Give Kids The World Fundraiser!!
Many people are fortunate enough to take their good health and the good health of their children for granted. Oh sure we have problems that arise from time to time and some people even have chronic issues to deal with, but imagine those who live with the constant knowledge that their child may not live […]
Two Cents Tuesday: Extra School Costs
Now this topic has always bugged me a bit, but lately it is getting out of control. My daughter attends a Catholic Elementary school, to which a portion of our property taxes go. I realize it costs a fortune to run a school and I certainly help out, when I can. But this year I […]
Easter Sunday, not such a fun day :-(
Mostly I am writing this post to keep today in my mind, the details anyway. I won’t soon forget the events, but I want it in a place I can refer to if I need to. William suffered his first, and hopefully last seizure today. He has been sick all weekend with a cough and […]
A moment to give thanks..
I have had the chance to reflect on some things over the past few days, not the least of which is my children and their health. Let’s face it, we almost all take good health for granted until something bad happens and then we wonder how it could have happened to us. But no one […]
Pictures speak a thousand words…
In the interest of maintaining my perfect record so far, I am going to post today, despite being super tired. I just spent the last hour editing some wonderful photos my hubby found on our main puter. I have been looking for these photos for almost two years now and I thought they were gone […]