Now I am a little behind in keeping up to date with all of the sweet and adorable things my kids say, but as the saying goes, it is never too late to start. So, I am starting. With tonight
As my sweet boy was getting ready to fall asleep he asked me a question he began asking me about two weeks ago. That question, when translated from his toddler speak into regular English is, “Mama, when we going to Disney World?“ Now, in his sweet little voice it is the most darling thing to hear to a Disney lover like me. To be fair it was not I who taught him that question either, it was my Disney loving daughter What makes this little exchange even sweeter is when I reply to him, “someday“`, he answers with an “ohhhhh“ noise that makes me laugh. If he only knew I would take him tomorrow if I could. But someday is definitely in the works.
Tonight my sweet boy, after getting his answer of someday, preceded to tell me who lives in DW. In his sweet voice he told me first Mickey lives there, then it was Toodles, then Goofy, Winnie the Pooh and “Okeynose“, which is actually Pinocchio. I am so looking forward to the day his little eyes meet the mouse for the first time. I am getting vaklemp just thinking about it.
William`s other cute thing started about a week ago, while we were on vacation. I would call him or ask him to do something and in his little singsong voice his reply was, “Just a minute Mama“! Now I know he gets this from pretty much everyone around him so I should not be surprised, but the first time he said it to me I nearly choked! To use it properly and also a little bit sarcastically was, to say the least, impressive!!!
Awe,thanks for sharing it truly warms the soul to read such a lovely post!!
I love this post !
Your sweet boy is sure growing up fast!