You are not hearing things and no, you do not need glasses. This time of year you often hear about a certain bird in said tree, but it is time to make some room up in the branches for Troy Townsin’s newest book, “A Moose In A Maple Tree.” This engaging story is the “original all Canadian 12 Days of Christmas” and you will love it! Troy, who is himself originally from down under ( aka Australia
) is now a proud Canadian and he shows it well in this delightful children’s book. Canucks all over this whole wide world will relate well to the hockey sticks, totem poles and mounties. I am in love with the winsome illustrations by Jennifer Harrington. They leap off the page in an unobtrusive way and only add depth to the renewed song of Christmases past.
Troy and Jennifer have teamed up twice before to bring us “Canadian Jingle Bells” and “The Night Before A Canadian Christmas.” Both of these reinvented classics have references every Canuck will not only recognize, but giggle over and share immediately with whomever is in the room with them. ( Just ask my hubby
) I read each of these charming tales to my ten and four year olds and was pleasantly surprised to see them both asking to read through the books themselves. My oldest even wants to bring the stories to school to share with her class! From the perspective of a mom, a reader and a Canadian I can honestly say that while these narratives are definitely a little biased towards a certain nationality, they still have a broad appeal.
From now until December 31st, 2013 readers of MapleMouseMama are in for a treat! You can shop for anything on the Moose In A Maple Tree site and receive a 25% discount when you use the code MAPLE. This is a great deal and a perfect chance to stock up on some lovely merchandise!
Make sure you check out both the Facebook site and follow our friends on Twitter. You can view the sweet video recordings of the books ( even one by that good ole Canuck Don Cherry ) right on YouTube! I can honestly say that reading these books will not only become a Christmas tradition in this house, but a year round one as well.
What Canadian “icon” do you think would work well in a Troy Townsin Christmas classic? I am envisioning beaver tails…..
**I was provided with a copy of each book, but these opinions expressed are completely my own. You will love them like I do.
Hehehehehee… Canadians- gotta luv ’em.
LOL, yes you do Jud, yes you do
I love it! I always love to celebrate my Canadian-ness and what better way than Canadian versions of popular books and songs! Thanks for introducing me to this author.
My pleasure Kathleen!
what a fun way to create some Canuck love! Goodness knows we need that during the winter season!
LOL, so true Amber and these books are a great tribute to Canada!
Canadians do love them
love this! so good to have some Canucks pride!
These books are a great way to show your Canadian pride for sure Amber!
I agree with your beaver tails suggestion lol. I just asked my son what he thought about the name “A Moose in a Maple tree” and he just laughed and said that’s silly! but you know it’s great because that title it self would make them want to read it and remember it
LOL, kids will remember it because of the cool name. The whole set of books are catchy and memorable
What neat book ideas, will definitely have to check them out. Thanks for sharing.
Your welcome Dawn, they are really cool!
I love this “A Moose in a Maple tree” my grandson would love it,he collects everything he can about Moose
We have Moose running around our Town all the time !