Emily is my sweet and charming baby girl. She is caring and kind, warm and generous. She is outgoing and smart. I could go on and I know I will at times, but one thing that Emily true is, is an enigma. She defies defining, for the most part. For an eight year old, she can be very mature. Take tonight for example. We were saying her prayers and afterward, out of the blue, she asked me if it hurt me when she was born. I downplayed the whole thing, mostly in the interest of getting her to go to sleep, when she then asked if I was awake during her birth! I told her I was. She then asked, if I could have made them stop and put her back in, would I have! That shocked me right out of my slippers, I have to tell ya. So I said to her that while there was pain, I knew there would be long before she was born and I would not have had her “put back in“ for all the trips to Disney World. I told her that any pain was soon forgotten because I was able to hold my beautiful angel baby in my arms soon after and that my life was made so much better because of her Nice little vaklemp to end the night on….
Kids sure do ask the oddest ?s sometimes,but you know their thinking