Recently we held a kick butt Frozen themed party to celebrate the birthdays of my two lovely kiddos. Emily and William have birthdays two days apart so a joint party is usually the only way to go, especially during the winter months. In keeping with our theme of the awesome Disney movie Frozen, we made some yummy Chocolate Dipped Oreos and Marshmallow Olaf Floats! Labours of love I tell ya… But cool food is not enough to show our DisneySide, so I put my thinking cap on and created some cool Frozen inspired decorations.
Icicle Inspired Wall Art
These little guys were influenced by the garlands of icicles that hang down from the trees in Frozen. I really wanted to recreate that look keeping in mind a small budget and my crafting skills. Working together Emily and I made ten of these and they were pretty easy. To make them you need:
- cardstock or cardboard
- white string or thread
- white drinking straws
- tinfoil
- blue pompoms
- scissors
- a needle
The first step is to make a bunch of large snowflakes using your cardstock. You need a heavier paper so that they will hang down and stay down. We used blue to have an offsetting colour against the white wall. Ensure you make a hole at one of your points for later. Once you have the desired number of snowflakes made you can begin cutting up the tinfoil. I used a cheap brand from the dollar store and cut each square about 3 inches by 3 inches. They were not perfect and that does not matter. We used about twenty tinfoil squares per icicle, but you can certainly make them longer if you plan to dangle them from the ceiling.
Next you want to cut up the straws into 1 1/2 inch pieces, having about twenty for each icicle. You will notice in my photos that I did not use plain white straws. I only had the striped ones on hand and in the end I don’t think it mattered. The pompoms were a last minute addition because I had them in my craft bin, but they worked as a great anchor for each end of my icicle. I used the white thread, again because I had it on hand, but string would be a bit stronger.
Then we assembled the icicles! Threading a needle with a double thickness of the thread ( about thirty-five inches long ) I knotted one end and then put a blue pompom on. You will need to leave a long enough tail on your thread so you can tie your snowflake on. Next came a tinfoil square, then a piece of straw, then tinfoil, then straw until you have added all twenty pieces. At the end add another pompom and then tie it off. You should have another long tail of thread left. You can use that to hang up the icicle or attach it to a hook etc..
Once you have tied on your snowflake your Frozen inspired icicles are complete! I had originally planned to hang ours from the ceiling, but we decided to tape them to the wall. I think they turned out great and really added to our Frozen theme. Stay tuned for more Frozen themed decorations in Part Two! (Now available to view)
What do you think of my Frozen inspired icicles? Are they cool?
What a fun project to do with your children! I just watched Frozen on Saturday and I loved it!
We did have fun with it Randa
It is a fantastic movie that I have seen way too much of, LOL
They look fab Suz!
Aww thanks Sam
What a great theme especially for a joint boy and girl party! Love the Olaf marshmallow floats idea! Plus he’s my fave character! Great job on the final product!!
Thanks so much Debbie
I had a ton of fun with this whole thing!
Those are so cute! I love that they are simple enough for kids to help out with. Emily must have felt so excited to be able to help with the decorating.
Thanks Dani and yes Emily was thrilled to have a hand in pretty much everything we did. I enjoyed getting to all that stuff with her <3
Hi Suzanne, yes you and Emily did a great job making your snow flakes and they looked great in the hall as well. Good job kiddo!!
Thanks Mom <3
These are amazing! DD7 made something similar at school, and then came home and made more. Both my daughter’s LOVE Frozen!
Thanks Craig, I had a lot of fun making these with my daughter..
Beautiful and simple craft! I can’t believe how create some people are when they decorate for their kid’s birthdays. All I do is buy paper plates, napkins, and goodie bags in a theme. Plus, I pay someone to make the cake for me. LOL
Brandy that is usually what I do, but I was challenged to show my DisneySide and with Frozen it was perfect!
I kind of can’t believe that your kids have birthdays two days apart!! Wow. That’s kind of a whirlwind time of year then isn’t it? My kids loved the movie and so did I. It’s adorable,
LOL, the oldest can’t believe it either sadly
but the younger one could care less!
And PS. I love your cute decorations.
thank you Paula
I had so much fun with them!
Fabulous decorations – looks like a super fun party! I need to make some Frozen crafts with my kids!
Thank you Kerrie, we had a lot of fun
What a great way to decorate for the party!
Thank you Katie
That is so cute! Little One’s absolute favourite now is Frozen! She has already asked for a Frozen birthday party. Her birthday is in NOVEMBER!! LOL!
LOL, that is too funny Christine
Frozen is so popular, but it is easy to understand why!
You sure went all out for the birthday party, but you also did an excellent job on everything. I would have never been that talented..Great job you must be very proud!!
Thank you so much Lyn, it was truly a labour of love for my two kiddos <3
What a great looking spread. Food,decorations and great memories for your kids.
Thank you Alexa, it was so much fun! I think all of our guests had a great time
What a beautiful to bond with your kids! This is so amazing your having fun and bonding while producing something creative. Hands down, Super mom!
*a beautiful activity *you’re
You are too kind Alexa
Thank you!
Frozen is now very popular among kids and doing the decors this way really helps in reducing the expenses.
Very true Franc..
Hey thats a great one really everytime i see you in very innovative way thats really appreciable.Good Luck for future goals Suzzane
Well thank you very much!
Fun! I’m sure the kids enjoyed making your decors
We had a lot of fun!
Happy birthday to your two children! I’m sure they had a blast during their celebration and the decor surely helped.
Your DIY is great and gives options for moms who also want to do a Frozen birthday party.
Thank you Karen!
That’s really sweet! Did your kids dress up with Frozen-inspired costume too?
thanks Tiffany, no they went swimming so no costumes..
Wow, This is very creative. Even my son loves Frozen
Mine too!
I love the whole idea! It looks like an activity that would be great for the family. I also like that you used really cheap and readily available materials.
It was fun and easy to make and not bad on the wallet. Win win for us all!
Two of my children are also just born two days apart, so for one day a year they are the same age
It was always a hectic time of year as I wanted to do both justice. Love these decorations, kids love making things that get displayed and these were fairly simple for them to make.
It is tough when they are so close. It is funny, but there are at least four sets of family members in my immediate family where siblings share the same date! My kids were close, but luckily we squeaked by with a day to spare, LOL.
These home made Frozen decorations are really terrific, it’s obvious they were a labour of love!!!
Beautiful decorations it must have bewen so much fun !
My hubby and his twin are born 2 days apart,these days this would never happen but back in the 50,s it did.I do love all the decorations!!
You’re lucky your son didn’t mind having the frozen theme because my little nephews said the movie was good but because my niece really loved it the boys said that it was more for girls. They are 6 and 4 and they’re all about cars, trucks and tractors etc.
Fun and creative,i love it !