Making its world debut Tuesday, June 11, 2013, at the Annecy Animation Festival in Annecy, France, is Walt Disney Animation Studios’ never-before-seen short “Get A Horse!” Starring the one and only Mickey Mouse and featuring Walt Disney himself as the voice of the iconic character, this black-and-white, hand-drawn short follows Mickey, his favorite gal pal Minnie Mouse and their friends Horace Horsecollar and Clarabelle Cow as they delight in a musical wagon ride—until Peg-Leg Pete shows up and tries to run them off the road.
Check out this cool poster for “Get A Horse!” that is sure to become a highly sought after collector’s piece. Kind of reminds me of the gift poster that was sent out to the inaugural members of D23 a few years ago. Definitely worth framing to show off. 🙂
Are you a member, inaugural or otherwise, of D23?
DisneyGalGayle says
Looks like so much fun! Can’t wait to attend this year’s D23-I think you should come with me!
MapleMouseMama says
LOL, I would so love to attend Gayle, I’d be there in a heart beat 🙂 I remember the first year it came out they had this event in MK on the weekend around the 12th or so of December. First time Emily and I went on our own and D23 members could buy tickets that included the chance to see Cinderella’s suite in the castle. I was over the moon excited, just beyond with the thought that we would get to see it. The moment the tickets went on sale they were sold out! I was crushed 🙁 It really sucked. We still had a wonderful time of course, but… cie la vie!
Hugs my friend, Suz ♥
Elizabeth Matthiesen says
No, I can’t be a member of D23 when I don’t even know what that is! I did enjoy Mickey Mouse and often had a good laugh at his antics when I was young.
Debbie White Beattie says
This is a great way to preserve a great cartoon and pay tribute to Walt Disney