Last year during the holidays I was privileged to introduce you to TORYEN, which is the best and only cleaning rag you will ever need. Now I would like you to meet the creator and genius behind TORYEN, Stacy Wagner! Make sure you check out the great deal she is offering to all MapleMouseMama readers at the end of the post!
1) Tell me a little about yourself please. Include any experiences that may have prepared you for the birth of your company.
I am Stacy Wagner, founder of TORYEN. I live in Southern Wisconsin with my husband Mike and two daughters Leah (14) and Mekenzie (13). I have been in the cleaning business for over a decade and pride myself on offering my clients top notch service. My husband is a high school Construction Teacher and owner of Moo Moo Manicure, dairy cattle hoof trimming. Mike and I both grew up on Dairy Farms. Working alongside our families we learned to do the job right the first time or we knew we would be doing it again, no excuses. This way of life instilled a work ethic in us that I have found to be a real blessing in my adult life. It continually pushes me to strive for excellence while building my business. I believe that to be the best at any job, to get it done correctly, requires the right tools. It was my search for those “right tools” that lead me to the development of Toryen.
2) Tell me about your company
Toryen is a single product company. We sell Toryen cleaning rags. Toryen is an acronym which stands for The Only Rag You’ll Ever Need. We are motivated by a vision to simplify and enrich the lives of our customers by putting Toryen in the hands of those with a passion for cleanliness. Our vision is supported by offering our customers the most straightforward everyday cleaning method on the market coupled with fantastic customer service. It’s all about our product being simple, versatile and effective while treating people with courtesy and respect.
3) What was the motivation to start Toryen? How was the name chosen?
Motivation to start Toryen came from my success as a cleaning lady. When I began using what eventually became Toryen, the compliments instantly started rolling in. I knew Toryen worked well and made my work much easier. I was most proud that I had found a tool for making this magic happen with less effort than I had ever put forth in the past. Win, Win! After taking all of the credit for a while, I finally began to share my secret weapon with some of my clients who just had to try it for themselves. I loved it, they loved it, so let’s see how many other people love it! That was a couple of years ago and I have spent that time developing Toryen and making it available for purchase. I thought long and hard about a company/product name. Let’s face it, cleaning allows a lot of time for your wheels to turn! I debated for months about using the word “rag”. Anything else sounded so delicate and run of the mill. Toryen is a workhorse! It can stand the test of time! It can clean the grossest ick or the finest china. To me, making it a rag was strong, a little old fashioned and different, which is exactly the reputation Toryen lives up to. Toryen had replaced so many other cleaning products for me and simplified my regimen. It truly was the only rag I ever needed, hence Toryen, The Only Rag You’ll Ever Need!
4) Can you share with us what, if any, challenges you faced when starting out the new company? How did you overcome these?
I continue to have challenges as any growing company would expect . The product itself was the easy part. So easy, in fact, that I never really considered the rest. I only had experience in a business that offered a service, locally, not a product, internationally. I knew nothing about building a website, online sales, social media, SEO etc. My biggest challenge continues to be getting Toryen “out there”. I still have a hectic cleaning schedule, a very busy family and you know, my own house to clean which rarely happens. Finding a balance as well as time for content creation and promoting is tough. I do what I can every day adding content and testimonials from happy customers to my site and pray for the day when Toryen can become my full time obsession. We have a product that people love. We offer fantastic customer service. Promoting both over time is our formula for success.
5) Tell me what makes Toryen different from similar products on the market? Why should we visit your site?
Toryen is different from other cleaning rags in three ways.
#1) It Works! So many products out there make claims of ________. (you fill in the blank) You get the product home only to find out that it does not deliver on a single promise. So frustrating! Use Toryen to clean the hard surfaces in and outside of your home leaving no streaks, lint, residue or scratches. You can use Toryen with water alone or your favorite cleaning solutions. It is reusable, washer safe, dryer safe, and bleachable. That’s Toryen’s claim and that’s what Toryen will deliver, period.
#2) It’s Simple! One rag to clean a surface. Not one to wash, one to dry, one to polish. Easy to clean with. Easy to care for. No fuss at all.
#3) It’s Versatile! Use Toryen on a grimy shower. Use it on your TV screen. Use it to clean off a banana that got smeared into your kitchen wall. Get it wet, wring it out and dust with it. Mix up some warm water with a little Dawn dish soap in a bucket and use it to clean your windows. It is not typical to use one tool for so many different cleaning projects. As you can see, it really is the only rag you’ll ever need. You should visit our website at to see how to use Toryen to make your life easier and cleaning almost fun! Take advantage of the “how to” posts on my blog and learn tips and tricks for cleaning. Instead of supporting MLM companies and large corporations, buy from a hard working family who offers a superb product at a great price. Get yourself a multipack. Throw one under the sink in the kitchen and each bathroom so Toryen is at your fingertips when you have only a couple of minutes to clean up. I love to hear from customers about how/where you use Toryen and the difference it has made in your cleaning routine. So treat yourself to Toryen and email me at – don’t forget to send pics! I share photos and reviews on my website frequently.
6) Where do you see the Toryen company in five years? Are there any new products in the works?
Five years from now I see Toryen as a brand people recognize. We are a very new company, but good news travels fast. A milestone for me was the point at which people began to refer to Toryen by its name instead of calling it “Stacy’s cleaning rags”. Toryen has caught on quicker than I had expected since it’s not an actual word people recognize. Toryen’s simplicity and effectiveness are following suit. We are excited to see what the future has in store. We have no plans for new products at this time. Our focus is to do one thing and do it better than anyone else.
7) Where in the world does Toryen ship to?
Toryen ships to both the USA and Canada.
8) What are your social media channels we can share?
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9) Stacy, can you share any great deals and/or coupons with our readers?
-Until June 1st, you can take advantage of our spring cleaning special. Purchase 10 rags and receive the 11th rag for free.
-Exclusively for MapleMouseMama readers, a coupon for 10% off a purchase of $20 or more. Enter MMM in the Discount field when you order!
These two deals put together allow you to purchase Toryen at the lowest price ever offered.
There you have it folks! I hope you enjoyed getting to know Stacy and Toryen a little bit. I can tell you first hand that I have tried Toryen for awhile now and love it! This great little rag does what it says it will do and makes cleaning up a breeze! Make sure you visit Toryen to take advantage of the great deals that Stacy has so generously shared with us.
What is your least favourite room or item to clean? Me? I hate the toilets. YUCK!
These sound amazing, I love anything that’s easy!!
These really sound amazing,i love easy & simple
I am all about easy simple cleaning, that is for sure!
Easy? Oh, yes please! Love the story behind Toryen, and am now eager to try it out. I hate dust in general, in every and all rooms. It seems to settle the second I step away from “dusting”.
Oh this sounds interesting, easier cleaning you say? Definitely going to go check them out, thanks for sharing!
Cleaning is one of my least favourite things. So anything that makes it easier is a plus in my books!
These cloths sound fantastic, if they make cleaning easier I’m all for them, cleaning’s not a job I enjoy that’s for sure
Impressive product! Good to know they ship to Canada!
LOL I love acronyms TORYEN!! Awesome name, I might just have to buy it and see if it lives up to its name!
Hi everyone! This is Stacy. I wanted to say Thank you to Suzanne for the fantastic article on Toryen! Her work is amazing and completely appreciated! Thank you for all of the positive comments. I look forward to you giving Toryen a try! I continue to put Toryen to the test every day and love the results. I know you will as well!
Thank you again for your kind words!
I have never ever heard of this brand. I will check it out actually. I am also not a cleaning fan, but it is necessary so might as well have useful and reusable tools to help, right?
I love the sound of this product useful and reusable.One does so many jobs.
My least favourite is cleaning windows. With Toryen cloth I will just need to add Dawn dishsoap to wash Windows and same cloth to dry!!
I have never heard of this brand. I will definitely check it out. My least favourite is cleaning toilets.
What are the rags made of?
Another proud Canadian comapny
I like the versatility of the Toryen rag.
The story behind Toryen was fascinating and these cloths are too! I am delighted to learn about them.Thanks for the great feature!
Did Stacy actually invent these cloths herself or did she discover them somewhere? If she invented them, tell us a little about that process.
Hi Nancy, if you have a look at her website,, you can learn more about the cloths and how it all came to be. Thank you for reading!
This cloth doea sound like the answert to many jobs around the home !
Perfect,I do love easy cleaning !