The past few days brought us the first real snowfall for winter 2015/2016 and something tells me it is just the beginning. While we were lucky to only get about a foot of snow, our countrymen to the east were not so lucky and from what my aunt tells me, they are still shoveling out. While the snow may look pretty and fun, shoveling it can be a real pain in the ahh, back and neck and legs, arms and so on, if not done correctly. Here are a few tips on how to shovel snow without hurting yourself that I have curated for you.
Dress Properly:
This may seem like a no-brainer, but it is the most ignored rule of cold weather living. Being under or over dressed for the cold weather can have a serious affect you. If you are too warm you could overheat and exhaust yourself before the job is done. Cold fingers may get blistered and sore if they are not covered up. Those hand knitted mittens that match your hat are pretty, but a glove with padding will serve you better when shoveling.
Stretch It Out:
Shoveling is a physical activity and like any, if you approach it without warming up your muscles first, you can seriously hurt yourself! A few good stretches, arm extensions, back bends and squats will do you a lot of good.
Proper Shoveling Tools:
Not all shovels are created equal. Some have wide scoops and long arms, while others have narrow scoops and short arms. There are even shovels that are ergonomically correct! You will also find there is a weight difference in the variety of shovels out there. You may need to try out a couple before finding the shovel that is right for you, but your back will thank you when you do.
The proper shoveling technique will vary from person to person, but the main points are the same: bend your knees, lift with your legs, avoid reaching too far and turn with your whole body. If the snow is heavy I suggest shoveling in layers to limit the amount of weight you are picking up. You can always push the heavier snow to the side of the driveway, but again, the weight does matter. Too much snow and you will find yourself repeatedly thrusting against the handle of your shovel. You can slip, hit your chin and fall or put a lot of unnecessary strain on your upper body.
Common Sense & Common Decency:
Ever try lifting a scoop of snow to toss onto the pile just to have it all blow back into your face? It’s pretty funny to see, but common sense should tell you not to shovel into the wind or you will be repeating your efforts at least once. You will also avoid a potential eye injury from flying ice chunks and even asphalt! And if shoveling the snow is hard on your body, imagine your elderly neighbor. Be a good sport and don’t wait to be asked. Go and shovel them out!
Do you have any tips to add on how to shovel snow the proper way?
I wait until it stops snowing completely because otherwise, I would be shovelling over and over. Wait until it stops and then get to it!
We woke this morning to a winter wonderland ,looks so beautiful tell you got to get out and clean it !! Thanks for the tips
I must try and remember to do some good stretches before I go out to shovel next time – I never think of that. We have a lot to shovel (3 car driveway and long paths) but I at least feel like I’m being useful and getting some exercise at the same time. We’ve not had much so far and it’s been extremely mild so far (this is whispered, don’t want to jinx it do we?) in fact today it’s only -4C and yesterday it was only -2C.
I sure am glad I live in Florida where snow doesn’t happen. I did the ice storm thing for years, then I was just done. Wouldn’t go back if someone payed me…
LOL, I often feel that way.
If we tire we take a break and yes my son is the first out to volunteer shoveling for elderly neighbours.
Bend at the knees!!!!! Some of us have to learn over and over lol
and common courtesy people, pass it on!!
I don’t ever think it looks pretty. All I see is work and a mess. My tips are:
1. if you are getting lots of snow get out there often this way it you won’t be dealing with heavy snow
2. don’t take the kids out to help you shovel they only do it a couple of times and when the take off to play it usually results in them putting more snow back on the parts you just cleared.
3. and my best tip yet is leave it for your husband to deal with.
The only way I know how to shovel without hurting myself is leave it for my husband to do, but then he has a plow for his truck and his quad and he loves going out and doing the snow, it’s like playing for him
my tip’s are getting the kid’s out to help and have fun it is excellent for a good work ut being a mother we need t kepp fit and teach our children that a little work is fun thank you for the tip’s ad yes I need to do more stretches
I think i would rather deal with some snow than this nasty rain we are getting
I hurt myself every year, it’s a tradition now. We have a fire hydrant on our sidewalk so I always dig that out too!
Oh no, that is not good.
But that is wonderful that you dig out the fire hydrant. I imagine many people would ignore it, so good for you!
LOL….I live in Winnipeg and Shoveling SNOW is a work-out!! Sometimes I luck and I can get one of my bboys to do it!!
Oh man, I bet it is a workout, LOL. Be careful!
Even when you learn how to shovel the snow correctly, your mind seem to make you shovel the wrong way because you just want to get finish.
LOL, that is true..
Great tips. We’ve gotten about 20 cm in the past few days so there’s been a lot of it to shovel.
Oh yuck! We are getting it too, so I sympathize.
This is a great tip
This year I hired someone to do it. My arthritis just doesn’t let me get it done,
These tips sure came in use this morning after that load of snow that fell last night
I like the shovel that my neighbour has. It has a handle bar, and you push it like you are pushing a shopping cart, so you don’t lift the shovel at all, & you just push the snow off to the side of the driveway.
We had a neighbour lady years ago pass away from shovelling snow. Most important to just take it easy while shoveling, it’s okay if it doesn’t get all done at once.
It’s time to freshen up on these tips it won’t belong before the white stuff
Great reminders. Hopefully done shoveling snow this year but never know what March will bring.