World Meningitis Day is held annually to raise awareness for the disease and highlight the importance of vaccinations. In Canada, this day falls during National Immunization Awareness Week on April 23rd–30th, which will soon be upon us. Please have a look at the following infographics and read up on how nasty these diseases can be. This is the reason to vaccinate.
Betsy Domingue says
I definitely make sure my kids are vaccinated.
Gina A says
Such and important things to promote! Undoing the fallacies that have been spread about immunization over the past decade!
Lynda Cook says
I think it’s very important to have your kids vaccinated, but so many parents nowadays do not believe in it, I don’t understand how these kids are still allowed to go to school, when I was sent home a form that my daughter was going to be suspended if she didn’t get caught up on her shots
Lorna Webster says
Great cause. Umbrella protection keeps us safe and now we are starting to see some worrying effects from people who won’t vaccinate!
Leslie Crosbie says
My personal opinion, although I do believe that people have the right to their own believes, is that it is wrong NOT to immunize your kids unless u life in isolation and dont pose any risk to spreading a diease that should and could have been eradicated!@
kathy downey says
I see both sides.I think it’s very important to have your kids vaccinated mine were.Lots of good information here
Michelle elizondo says
Ugh….To each their own.
Angela W says
Very informative infographics that everyone needs to be aware of! Prevention is key and a healthy lifestyle in general is important too.
Didi Marie says
With the anti-vaccination movement growing, it is so important to be fully educated on the perils of the very serious (and preventable) diseases. As the mom of an autistic son, I see how complicated this issue is, but knowledge is power. Touche!
Laurie P says
We’re all up to date here! Wouldn’t have it any other way….
Carole Dube says
When I was a child if you didn’t get your vaccine, you could attend school. I always had my children vaccinated and my daughter does the same with my granddaughters. So many children are left un-vaccinated and they depend on the vaccinated children not to get the disease.
Jennifer Ann Wilson says
I wish everyone would get their children vaccinated!
sarah alexis says
Such a scary thing. Immunizations have made such a huge difference in the world!
Ira says
I’m not a fan of flu vaccines, but I wouldn’t even think to question these basic ones that’s been proven for generations.
Megan L says
Vaccination is so incredibly important. As a child, I remember having Chickenpox and how awful it was. I’m jealous that kids today don’t have to deal with it!
Laurie P says
I was amazed to read how many students are being sent home recently from school because of outdated immunization records…..
Elizabeth Matthiesen says
I am all for immunisation at as early an age as possible. I remember when I was young a young girl up the street being suspected of having polio, there was a rush on getting the shots then. Two of my sons had chickenpox whilst in their teens and I can tell you it was no fun for me nor for them. I’ve never seen anyone look so bad with it. There was no immunisation at the time. Of course there wasn’t when I was a child either, an immunisation would have prevented me getting painful shingles which keeps reoccurring. No child is isolated 24/7 to prevent them passing on an illness that they caught because they weren’t immunised.
AD says
Great information and so important to have your kids vaccinated! I know what these vaccinations can do in saving lives; I have seen it first hand when I worked in refugee camps. I find it utterly irresponsible for parents in North America to use junk science to justify not vaccinating their kids; making entire populations sick when its so preventable. Okay, done venting.
this is so important and many don’t realize it until something happens
Linda H says
I strongly believe in vaccinations.
kathy downey says
I think it’s very important to have your kids vaccinated!