Raising a generous child may not be an easy task as it is natural for children to be a little self-serving, but it is definitely not impossible. When children are little their primary focus is ensuring their own needs are being met by the people that are around them. However, fairly early in a child’s development they learn to ask for things they want, providing many chances to perfect the way they request things.
As children get older, it’s necessary for them to be able to look beyond their own wants and needs and focus on the needs of others as well. Parents play a large role in helping children develop this skill. So, it is important to ensure that you are taking every step possible to raise a generous child.
Model Generosity
Children are experts when it comes to mimicking adult behaviour, especially when it comes to their parents. Raising a generous child goes hand in hand with how generous you are and how well you model that behaviour. Using basic manners is essential and speaking to people in a calm and courteous way in every day interactions is important. Envision the way you want your children to display generosity to others and behave the same way yourself.
Sharing is Caring
Teaching your children the benefits of sharing can seem complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, you can even make sharing into a game. Play different multi-player games together to encouraging sharing and teamwork. Do a puzzle together, play a board game or build a craft or project together. Games that utilize sharing as part of the rules are fantastic ways to get some practice in for every day real life situations.
There are so many ways your family can give back to their community. Source out a volunteer opportunity that fits your family’s interests. It is important to make time on a regular basis to give back to our communities. This is a sure-fire way to instill a sense of generosity in our kids. While donating funds to a good cause can be an amazing way to give back, it is important to involve your family in the actual process. Getting your hands dirty will have a bigger impact on developing your child’s benevolent traits. My daughter spent many years, just like I did, as a Brownie and than Girl Guide and with this organization she had many opportunities to volunteer and give back to her local community.
Create a Gratitude Journal
Generally speaking generosity and gratitude go hand in hand. When we feel grateful for something we take the time to pay attention to the things we have and can see that others may not have the same. Make a habit of writing down the things you and your family are grateful for in life and reflect upon them frequently. This will instill a sense of giving and generosity in our children when they realize they have so much to be thankful for. Go so far as to make it a habit to say what you are thankful for about the members of your family at dinner each day or at least once a week.
Raising a generous child doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, it starts at home with the way you model generosity. Teach your children to share, volunteer as a family and reflect upon all you must be grateful for. In no time at all your children will be displaying a sense of generosity you can be proud of.
What are some ways you can suggest to help raise a generous child?
**Please check out our other Parenting 101 posts and share your ideas with us!
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Wonderful read,yes our children do what we do usually and generosity is a good thing to pass down. Love this post giving back and helping feels good !
Thanks for the article and the info. Our kids are so important because they are our future and everyone need to be generous.
Modelling the behaviour we want to see in our children is so important. We play a lot of games together and build puzzles. I love watching my kids interact and work together. Seeing how the less fortunate live is one way to encourage generosity. Kids that have everything they need often don’t understand what it’s like to not have those things.
It’s a good idea to expose children to volunteering at a early age. It builds character and teaches team work and leadership skills.,
Teaching our children to be generous is an important part of their development and leading by example is the best lesson. When they’re included in the initiative, it becomes a positive family bonding experience.
Very good post and yes it’s true, the kids learn from us at home so what we do they will follow
We always adopted a kid for Christmas and the kids picked out all their presents and wrapped them. They also helped me pick the charities that we donated to as well as volunteered at the local rec center every summer. Now that they’re all grown they’re all very kind and helpful adults.
Well I think we did á good job in bringing up our girls to be generous and thankful for what they had, as they are now in
turn teaching their children. Keep up the good work Suzanne.
we try to always give back happily and in plain sight of my kids!
If my child sees a homeless person on the street, i think it will be important to engage in a conversation about why they don’t have a place to live etc.
Kids should learn the value of money at a young age and realize that some are not so fortunate
Teaching our children to be generous is so important. It all start by leading by example. Great article!
Good to encourage them to reach out, volunteer, and have compassion, it’s important pass on this human spirit.
Great Post! Its amazing to encourage our kids to be thankful and thoughtful. Generosity goes far ahead.
It is important to set a good example in raising children they can learn a lot from our examples
Raising a child to be socially conscious is a must I believe. Showing our children that we give back to our community is important and most children will model their parents. You know that saying ” it is better to give than receive” is so true. Thank you for this wonderful thought provoking post.
I think it’s important to raise a generous and compassionate child and I think having a pet as children helps with the compassion part.
We try to model the behaviour and beliefs we want to show. It’s hard to always remember as adults never mind as kids!
I think it is best to lead by example and give her lots of opportunities to be generous.
Teach your child by seeting a good example! Children do what they see.
Thanks for the inspiring post! There are some great ideas, here.