Last year, around this time, I had the opportunity to have my photo taken. Not just a regular picture, but a head shot. You know, the type the beautiful and confident people get done, perhaps for their modeling portfolio or to display on their resume. Even as a child I was leery of the camera. Normally I would shy away from being photographed so to volunteer and pay money for it is quite a departure for me. I changed my mind, along with my outfit, at least ten times and was in no hurry for my appointment time to arrive.
The photo was done by a professional and I actually had fun during what is typically a painful process. My trepidation was put to rest by the talented Anna Epp and she even elicited a few laughs from me, however, those out takes will forever remain pixelated and not printed. I have come to learn I am not the type one expects to see with my head thrown back, hair flowing free, my mouth agape.
So, why get my photo taken if I dislike it so much? This head shot was taken at BlissDom Canada, an exciting and informative social media conference. My first ever social media conference. Being an up and coming blogger I thought it was time to present myself, literally, in a better light. Thus the head shot.
I was not looking forward to the reveal of my photo on a webpage where everyone else could see it. I was already anticipating my excuses like, “not enough sleep” or “I’m just not photogenic.” I had witnessed several of my counterparts posing and they looked so confident and self assured. They looked beautiful. They looked fearless. No one was complaining about their hair, their makeup, their double chin. They had nothing to dread from that group reveal.
When I finally got up the nerve to find myself in the galley I was holding my breath. Yes, it is that painful for me to view photos of myself and no, I am not vain. At least I don’t think I am… Anyway, you know what I discovered? Drum roll please…. I am a Real Beauty! Yes me, the one always taking the photos so as to avoid being in them. I can look at that photo, really look at it and accept myself for who I am. Those are not easy words to say. In fact as I type I still hesitated on “beauty”. Why is that? I could tick off a dozen reasons why, but does that make me less of a beauty? Does a few extra pounds or gray hair make one less pretty, on the inside and the out? It shouldn’t. One thing I know for sure, I am not alone in this feeling. According to some widely publicized reports, in the past year the percentage of females who can say they are beautiful doubled. Sounds good right? It doubled to a whooping four percent.
So, head shots aside I know I have to change my attitude and start accepting myself as the woman I see in the mirror every day, imperfections and all. I am a Real Beauty. I want my daughter to know and believe she is a Real Beauty. From her gorgeous, inquisitive brown eyes to her huge, loving heart, she is a Real Beauty. If I can teach my child just one thing of value it is too love and accept herself for who she is. Maybe we can change that four percent to forty or even more…
Are you a Real Beauty? I know it is hard to say, but join me and we will say it together: I am a Real Beauty!
Victoria Ess says
I love that poster and I love that photo of you! Real beauty indeed!
fynesdesigns says
Those are wonderful words, and your head shot looks amazing, your skin looks so beautiful.
MapleMouseMama says
Thank you so much, I appreciate your words 🙂
Christine says
I LOVE that saying Suz!! Thanks so much for sharing it! Anna is FABULOUS! She took my photo at BlissDom last year too.. and I will treasure it forever!
Flojean says
We’ve always known it and we are so glad that you are ready to say “I’m a real beauty too!” Love you Mom & Dad
ccmouse says
It’s a beautiful picture of you – I can see you are a beauty inside and out. I would of avoided having my photo taken at all costs.
MapleMouseMama says
Thank you and a little LOL too. I have always not wanted to be in the photo and it is still a struggle at times, but I just keep thinking that I have to see myself the way my kids do (when they are not angry with me for something,LOL).
Sam says
Do you know Suz, I hated having my photo taken but this year on holiday I decided to take some selfies of me and the kids/husband and I was so pleased I did! I didn’t look as awful as I thought I would and we actually had lots of fun doing silly poses for our selfies! I’m not sure I’m brave enough to call myself beautiful, but I’m happy with what I see in the mirror and that’s good enough for me at the moment!
I love your photo and I think you are beautiful and so is your lovely daughter, but do you know what makes you both more beautiful than others? It’s the fact that you are both beautiful on the inside and the outside – don’t ever change my beautiful friend xx
Randa @ The Bewitchin' Kitchen says
You are absolutely stunning inside and out 🙂 Your eyes are so inviting and I’m very jealous of your skin 🙂
I’m happy you know your worth and can see that you are a true beauty.
LinkedMoms says
You are so beautiful. See you very soon in TO…
Shannon says
I love that poster! My girls will see it when they get home from school. Funny but the older I get the more beautiful I believe myself to be. 🙂
Anne Taylor says
Beautiful photo of a beautiful woman! Myself, I rarely let anyone take my photo; I’m not sure why really.
rachael says
To be honest ur headshot is….really good!!! In fact it looks like it could go into the author pic section in a book!!!! 🙂 and what an awesome message especially the message that we need to pass on to our daughters…:)
MapleMouseMama says
Aww that is very kind of you to say and I appreciate it 🙂
Ling Tan says
Lovely picture Suz, and great post! The message that we are all beautiful in our own ways, as Shannon above pointed out, is a message worth sharing with all the little girls in our lives. Thanks for sharing Suz.
MapleMouseMama says
Thank you Lin 🙂 So important for the mental health of our girls…
Anna W says
Your picture is very beautiful, I am a real beauty too 🙂 but I am always running away when someone wants to take my picture.
MapleMouseMama says
Thank you Anna. And we just have to take baby steps when it comes to photos. I had great support with my when I had my pic taken and made lots of jokes, but in the end I wanted to do it. To prove to myself I could maybe? I am not sure, but I am happy now that I did it. All in good time my dear 🙂
growhort says
Funny how some of us (me included) hate to see pictures of ourselves and yet others (the confident ones) cannot get enough exposure! Your picture is beautiful and more importantly you speak with real Love for your family and that paints a picture that is indeed priceless. Lovely article cherished. Stephen
MapleMouseMama says
Thank you so much Stephen, your words mean a lot and I appreciate it..
franckxethee says
Beauty starts from within. I guess, people are as beautiful as they feel.
rubbieanne says
You are so pretty! And yes I agree to Franc that beauty starts from within!
MapleMouseMama says
Thank you and yes, it really does..
Roch says
I haven’t had a headshot taken by a professional photographer in a long time. I think I should also have one soon. We all are beautiful because we are a masterpiece of God.
MapleMouseMama says
YES! That is so true Roch and something we must not forget. I am always telling my kids that God does not make mistakes..
Fernando Ceballos Lachica says
Very true indeed, even in males too, it happened. Now, you have confidence to tell the world “This is me, beautiful than you.” I’m happy for your transformation for the betterment of being you, a woman with the essence to change women’s perspective in life.
MapleMouseMama says
Thanks for the positive words of encouragement!
hannizenvato says
You glow! I think how we feel about ourselves reflects on the outside so continue being your naturally beautiful self!
Joanna Sormunen says
What a wonderful post! And I love the saying in the beginning! Yes, you are definitely beautiful like you 🙂 (and I’m beautiful like me 🙂
Anna Sundqvist says
Just like you, I used to hate having my photo taken. Until I realised I had barely any photos taken with my daughter. Now I grin and bare it and love looking at photos through the years. Your photo looks stunning so stand proud !!
MapleMouseMama says
Thank you so much Anna, you are very kind 🙂 And that was a huge motivator for me too; my children, especially my daughter. I want her to love herself for who she is and I need to set that example..
Holly says
Such a fantastic post theme. So important too. Yes, we are all beautiful!
MapleMouseMama says
Thanks Holly..
phyliciamarie says
You are a Real Beauty. I’m glad you finally embraced that. In my country, Dove actually launched a Real Beauty campaign to encourage everyone to appreciate your own.
MapleMouseMama says
Thank you Phyliciamarie! Dove has that campaign here as well. It is a great message!
Papaleng Pagulong says
You are a real beauty inside and out. Nice read on a cold night.
Tiffany Yong says
Real beauty is shown through confidence as well as kind heart. Never feel that you are ugly, because you are not, and always be happy! God bless!
Darlene W says
Your picture shows your strength and confidence. I hate having my picture taken, back when I was a child and still now as a grandmother. Your post has given me hope to finally stand in front of the camera
Nicol Wong (@yuk_lui) says
thats a great photo! you look great in it 🙂 i don’t like having my photo taken
MapleMouseMama says
Thank you Nicol! Now embrace the Real Beauty in you and get some photos taken!
3xhcch says
I am also not a fan of taking pictures of myself, unlike all these people now and their selfies. But yes, we should all recognize our own individual beauty and project it to the world. – Fred
MapleMouseMama says
I think that selfies are helping kids to express themselves in a way that many adults can’t. I love that my daughter likes to share her selfies, whether they are goofy and natural. :-0
sinyee0504 says
Everyone has their own thought on beauty. For me, I talked more about inner beauty than the physical appearance.
Kylie says
Lovely quote, can’t help but to agree with it!
slickmaster says
I’ve got to admire that photo-statement at the top. Well, reality is that we are beautiful in our very own, respective right. There’s nothing wrong with that. There mere fact that you loved yourself makes you feel beautiful already.
MapleMouseMama says
Thank you 🙂
agarwalsamajbhilwara says
The first pic depict all the scenario “I’m not beautiful like you…..” that you are favorite of yourself and me too also believe in the same 🙂
Vanessa says
This is such a positive message you are spreading right now, you have my admiration for this. Yes, every person is unique and beautiful in his/her own way. And yes, you are beautiful from the outside, but judging by your positive and inspiring posts, you must be beautiful from the inside, too.
Karen says
Yeah, I am beautiful and unique in my own way and not a copy cat of others.
MapleMouseMama says
That a girl!
Manu Kalia says
I could not agree more. I believe in beauty from the inside out.
eliz frank says
Darling you look marvelous! I don’t know why you worried so much.You have great skin, and a beautiful face framed by real healthy hair.
kathy downey says
I do like your photo i see gentle and kindness in your face
kathy downey says
I do love the verse,we are all beautiful in our own way!