When I was a kid we never had the option of attending a sleep away summer camp, and that was really okay with me. My family did plenty of camping on our own and I loved pretty much every minute of it. Throughout the year though my sister and I, and even my mom a few times, had the opportunity to attend camp with the various Girl Guide units we were in. These trips were invaluable and certainly helped shape me into the person I am today. I was thrilled to have my daughter partake of this same great experience during the course of the past six years. Next up will be my son’s turn, if he is so inclined.
In the meantime it occurred to me that there is a great way to prepare young William for the potential adventures awaiting him (should he choose to become a boy scout this fall). A backyard camp-out! After all, the most common concern I have heard from parents in our Guide units has been that their daughter was nervous or worried about sleeping away from home. And the children are not the only ones, to be honest. I recall Emily’s first foray into camping and I don’t think I slept a wink that night. She was just six years old and it was a winter camp to boot! We never did get a call in the middle of the night, but the unit leader shared that Emily had a hard time sleeping. This was proven when she fell asleep on the ride home and then napped for another two hours later!
From that experience we learned that all kids can surely benefit from a little advanced preparation. Whether it is a sleep away summer camp they live at for a couple of weeks or you just want to give them that roughing it experience, I think all parents, and their young campers, can learn from a little camping dry run. Below are some suggestions, but first, let’s go over the bonus! So, if you are going to camp, make sure you have a high-quality camping air bed that will last you throughout the camping trip. Also, I would highly suggest on checking out the overall Top Rated Beds (Mattresses & Pads) for Camping in 2018 if you are open to all other options as there are many to choose from.
1) Literally have a dry run!
Pitch a tent in your backyard on the weekend and let your kids sleep in it. Take it one step further by spreading out your sleeping bag and bunking down with them.
Make it fun by having your dinner in the tent or yard. You don’t have to go crazy and get a fire permit from the city. Make hot dogs on the grill (or in the house) or even just some sandwiches with snacks for later.
2) Pack for the unexpected..
The tent and sleeping bag are obvious needs, but it is time to think outside the box. Have the kiddos pack a small overnight bag with their jammies and whatever else they think they might need for a night in the tent. Suggest they pack extra for a challenge you will give them, but don’t say what it is. Then set them to the task of creating a pillow from their extra clothes. Make sure they include a special furry friend for cuddling with at night. Then see who can make the neatest sleeping bag out of socks and pants for their mini campers. Don’t forget to take pictures!
One thing I used to enjoy was organizing my portion of the tent (or camper) so that all of my things were just so. A little Type A maybe, but it made the adventure my own.
3) Camping crafts..
While camping may not seem like the ideal place to start a craft project, it can actually be a lot of fun. You will need to gather some supplies before hand, but it will be worth it. Some suggestions of what to create:
- a camp flag, complete with a stick to fly it from
- t-shirts with your camp name (toss ideas around during your dinner)
- or a sign with your camp name (gather twigs, leaves and rocks and use a glue gun with supervision)
- a sit upon for sitting on the damp ground (keeps your butt dry and warm)
4) It’s time for bed..
Bedtime is probably the biggest challenge for a first time camper so make sure your young troops know they can go inside the house during the night, if they so choose. This should be an obvious rule, but if a child is afraid all reasoning can fly out the window so stress to all campers that should one feel the need to go inside they should not leave anyone alone in the tent (at night). After all, you do not want to scare them off camping forever, right?
Once the ground rules are set and jammies are on, have your campers take out their flashlights and play a few games before settling in. See who can come up with the most creative shadow puppet using the wall of the tent and your flashlight. Or share some not-too-scary stories. Finally, if a real campfire was out of the question (remember the city permit thing..) bring out a treat that could replace the traditional smores. This could be anything from popcorn and juice boxes to apple slices and caramel dip. Fun, easy to make and even easier to clean up. Or if tradition is your thing melt your smores chocolate in the microwave and have at it!
The goal with a backyard camping experience could be to introduce your child to something new or prepare them for a sleep away vacation, but ultimately it should be about having fun. There is no right or wrong answers when it comes to creating your own adventure and you may even just start a new family tradition.
Did you ever attend a sleep away summer camp or have a backyard camping experience? What are your favourite memories?
Looks like fun! The girls in my family including me are members of Girl Guides so we’ve done lots of camping. We have done some family camping too. My 4 year old may join Scouts when he’s old enough, we haven’t decided for sure yet. Backyard camping is always fun though.
My son is on the fence about Scouts. He has seen all the fun things his sister does (they are six years apart) so he wants to do them, but he is not completely ready to commit. Maybe by fall?
These are great tips. We have done both sleep away camps and backyard camping. My kids love them both! I agree with you that bedtime is the biggest challenge when camping. Kids just want to keep going and going. Usually they are pretty tired by the second night…
I have a good chuckle at my daughter when we have picked her up from guide camp. She looks exhausted, but talks non stop all the way home, only to crash about ten minutes before we arrive. Good times
These are fun ideas, whether going camping as a family or with friends or a club. I have great memories of camping with my family growing up too and would love to get out more with my daughters. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Bonnie, as they say you don’t need to spend a lot to create wonderful memories.
LOVE this post! My youngest is a Girl Guide and loves their camps..and this summer she’ll be doing her first WEEK of sleepover camp (*sniffle*)…and i was just thinking this morning about how she might like to do a backyard campout (even though we only live in a townhouse – so tiny backyard)
Oh wow, a whole week?! She will have the best time. And hey, as long as you can pitch a tent in your yard I say go for it! Just think of the memories :-0
My kids have been asking to go camping, so this post really comes in handy. Love the tips for prepping them for what it will actually be like. (No surprises here!)
thanks Lisa, I hope they have a wonderful time!
These are awesome tips! It looks like you guys had a blast
Always lots of fun, that’s for sure
Lots of fun memories are always made
Looks like fun! Awesome post, I love the tips on how to prep them for the adventure. Thank You
Thanks for checking it out Steph
I think tenting in the back garden is a super way to prepare kids for real camping. It also gives them confidence since they know they can return to the house if need be.
Yup, I agree Elizabeth. It is the best of both worlds
I remember when we were young we had a pop-up tent and we camped in the backyard all the time,lots of good memories.Its really good practise for when you do the real thing !!
These are great tips! We love camping and have camped right at home too.
The backyard amenities are always more fabulous!! LOLSleeping under the stars are my favorite memories.