Did you know that today, Thursday, October 17th, 2013 is Spirit Day? I didn’t. Not until just now. That’s not a good thing considering how Social Media centric I am, or at least hope I am. On Spirit Day people across the world wear purple to show their support for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth and to stand against bullying. A truly great thing to stand up for. I know that lots of people are aware of Spirit Day and are totally behind it, but it kind of saddens me that it is still not “big” like Boss’s Day or School Bus Drivers Day, both of which were heralded just this week. I am all in support of showing appreciation for my awesome boss and even more so for the great lady who transports my kiddos safely from school each day. These people do an incredible job and we should be thankful every day. But should these “days” trump something so important as showing our support and acceptance of children, youth and young adults who are made to feel like outcasts because of who they are? I don’t think so.
I honestly didn’t know about the bus drivers day until I saw a sign in front of a local high school today. I thought it was a great way to show our children they need to be grateful to the people in their lives who make an impact just because. Let’s face it, driving a bunch of kids around after being couped up in school all day must be a bit trying. You couldn’t pay me enough to do that job. So why not go one step further and show support for the kids that actually attend that school, and all the other schools in the world, who feel picked on and abused just because they are a little different. Isn’t school, a place of your peers, supposed to be a safe and supportive refuge?
Spirit Day was started in 2010 by a high school student named Brittany McMillan as a response to the young people who had taken their own lives because they were bullied. Wearing purple, which symbolizes spirit on the rainbow flag, is a small thing to ask, so why aren’t more people doing it? Remember that Live Strong campaign started by a certain disgraced bicyclist? Those little yellow bracelets were everywhere and there was a hardly a person around who didn’t know what they stood for. Wouldn’t it be great to see a sea of purple bracelets the next time you walk through the mall or hit up the local Timmie’s? Imagine the message that would send a young person who is questioning their very being. It is akin to a child seeing the Block Parent sign in a house window when they are lost. It says “I am safe, I’m going to be okay.”
October 17th is almost over, but Spirit Day does not have to stop there. Wear purple tomorrow or on the weekend. Be a role model for unconditional love and teach your kids a valuable lesson at the same time. God created us all in his own image. I firmly believe that. And God doesn’t make mistakes.
Jenna Em says
I enjoyed your blog post about Spirit Day, very fun that it’s in purple to show your support. I love that bullying (for any reason) has been an issue that has been heavily addressed in our school system in recent years. It’s important to show our youth acceptance and support.
MapleMouseMama says
Thank you Jenna 🙂 Such big issues for kids; we need to be their advocates!
Thanks for stopping by!
SnyMed says
I love how you made your blog post purple to show support for Spirit Day. In recent years, my kids’ school have really shown intolerance for bullying. It’s important to show our youth support and understanding.
MapleMouseMama says
You are so right Jenna. I think every school should go purple for the whole day, heck even the whole week!
christaclips says
Big purple thumbs up! (And I luv that you typed in purple … so clever!) There was so much #SpiritDay support in celebrity circles this year. You did a great job at reminding us how easy it is to show our support in our own circles. Happy Spirit weekend, and beyond, Suz!
MapleMouseMama says
Thank you Christa and thanks for getting the ball rolling and encouraging posts!
Christine says
First, I would like to congratulate Brittany McMillan for being an amazing lady! I’m going to start participate in Spirit Day! Thanks for letting me know about it!
MapleMouseMama says
Yes, awesome job Brittany! If the adults of this world acted more like kids it would be a happier place for sure 🙂
Craig Silva says
Love this! Purple is my favourite colour, and although I do not own a lot of purple stuff, I broke out my purple shirt to support this awesome cause. I was bullied as a kid.
MapleMouseMama says
I am so sorry Craig 🙁 Even as adults we can remember the pain we were put through. Your support of Spirit Day shows you have not let that bullying define you. Way to go! Happy Spirit Day!
The Modern Mom says
We did know it was Spirit Day, my LO school asks all the children to sport their purple. Love that bullying is getting the recognition is so deserves. Great job and thank you 🙂
MapleMouseMama says
Thank you Dawn. Awesome job that your kids are learning early to show love and support. Great job mama!!
Little Miss Kate (@LilMissKateCo) says
I did not know about this day, but I do know that I am teaching my boys the importance of respecting every human being
MapleMouseMama says
And that is what is most important Katie, great job!
Victoria (@MythrilDelight) says
We proudly wore purple to show our support. Bullying is just too big of an issue NOT to support it.
MapleMouseMama says
So very true Victoria. Good for you for showing your support!
loriag says
I had actually heard that Spirit Day was happening. You wouldn’t believe the list of what Oct was celebrating. It was amazing.
MapleMouseMama says
October was pretty full Lori. I hope Spirit Day will get a lot more attention next year though..
Nicole Becker says
Well I missed #SpiritDay but I do wear purple every Friday for Purple Friday in Baltimore Maryland for our Baltimore Ravens!!! WOO HOO!!!
MapleMouseMama says
An excellent reason to dress in purple Nicole!
Jody D says
News to me as well! Good idea!
MapleMouseMama says
So true Jody, make sure to book mark the date for next year 🙂
MapleMouseMama says