The other day I was marveling at how it seemed like our backyard went from a dull dirt colour to a brilliant green just overnight! One of the many great things about spring is how beautiful the world becomes in a matter of days. All it takes is some rain and sunshine to wash away the slush and grime that the winter months leave behind and replace it with leaves budding on the trees, birds chirping and flowers poking up through the newly awakened earth. Sounds poetic, almost miraculous, don’t ya think?
To celebrate the beauty that is around us at this time of the year, I have teamed up with 19 other fabulous bloggers to bring you the #CashIsGreener giveaway! (Please tell me you “get” the whole cash is greener versus grass is greener thing. I worked hard on that. ) We love any reason to give stuff away and what better prize to receive than the green stuff, dough, moola, scratch, coin, dinero – money honey!!
The Giveaway
One very lucky reader is going to win $500 CAD in cold, hard cash in the #CashIsGreener Giveaway! To be eligible to win please complete the Rafflecopter below with your qualifying answers. Remember to come back every day to earn extra entries! This giveaway is open Worldwide to residents over the age of 18. It is void where prohibited by law, for example in Quebec, Canada. Please read our giveaway rules before entering. Terms and conditions can be found on the Rafflecopter. This giveaway will end on June 10th, 2018 at 11:59pm EST. Good luck!!
How you will spend your prize if you win the #CashIsGreener giveaway?
**Make sure you check out our other great giveaways!
**If you would like me to review your product, service, restaurant or travel destination, please send me an email at or tweet me at @MapleMouseMama
I will be using the money to pay for necessities and little treats. Thanks for the giveaway.
If I won I would use the money to pay towards bills and maybe, finally, be able to get much needed new glasses. #CashIsGreener Thanks for this opportunity!
Great prize…thank you !!!
a summer weaken trip
I will spend the cash on gardening supplies #CashIsGreener
I’ll update my outdated phone
I need a lot of work on this old, old home I bought that is 160 years old. I would put up a fence for the dog and fix up the yard and paint some trin outdoors.
I would use the cash to buy back splash for my kitchen and new running shoes.
I’ll put it towards a garage door opener
Some presents for a loved one and nice things/date night stuff!!!!
<3 hehe
I would use it to pay off bills
I would use the money for garden supplies and bills.
I’ll pay off some bills.
If I win the #CashIsGreener giveaway I would use it toward some small repairs that need to be made in my home.
If I won, the money would go towards renovating our home. We are soon going to begin our floors and walls so it would come in handy.
I will buy a plane ticket so I can visit my youngest daughter in Canada.
If I win the #CashIsGreener giveaway, I would spend the money to help pay for my airline ticket to China (I’m going there in August to teach English).
I would love to visit Iceland this year.
I will give it to the food bank I use weekly – that will multiply its usefulness substantially
Trip money!!!
I will use it towards my garden and buy a new blender
I would spend it on a slide set for my niece and nephews
I will spend the cash toward a new shed.
I will visit my son in Montreal.
I would use it to get the kids ready for back to school ready (I know it’s early to think about it, but those feet just won’t stop growing)!
I would use this money for vacation.
If i win this money i will use to bus ashmatic drugs for my wife and the balance to pay my children trip to visit solai dam victims
If i win the cash i will buy asmatic drugs for my wife and send my childrens to visit and donate towards solai dam victims near our home
I’ll buy a new phone.
I want to upgrade my kitchen so a new sink, and faucet
I would use it to pay bills!!!
I’ll put it towards a new car!
To pay for airline tickets to see my grandbaby!
I would pay down my student loans! I have been making an effort to become debt-free.
We had an oak tree taken down and we owe the tree guy $1000 more. This will help. Thanks for having this awesome giveaway.
I have to be boring and say that I would use it to pay bills lol
Maybe splurge a little on some chocolate 
I will use to attend my son’s wedding
I would use it to pay off some of my bills and for a little summer fun with my son. Thank you for the chance!
My sweetheart’s birthday is in August and it will also be our 18th year together. Time to celebrate.
I would use $500 toward a summer vacation.
I would pay bills and do some home repairs. This would be a blessing!!!
I would use the money to pay for the dental work i so desperately need.
Great info and enjoyed reading !
$500 would help with a new bathroom – it needs totally gutted!!!
I would save mine for Christmas
I will take my Mom and my Father in Law to Frankenmuth Michigan for a nice day trip and dinner. We have been wanting to take them but of course money prevents this
AZ is Hot! I will spend it on my electric bill!
I would use the cash to add some nice items to my back patio.
I would buy a few gardening tools
To pay down debt
I will spend it on our little one that is due July 5th. The way things are going he might be here sooner . Thanks for the chance!
I would use it for concert tickets and transportation.
Id use it towards new tires for my car !!!!!!!!I really need em
will use the cash for a trip to see my son
My kids need summer clothes and shoes!
Toward a camera.
If I won such an awesome giveaway… I would take it on vacation with me this summer!
I will put it towards movies and a subwoofer.
I would use it for travel expenses to Key West.
Saving up for kids college!
We are slowly renovating our house so $500 would be happily spent there!
I am having some renos done so the money would come in handy.
I would be paying some bills!
I will spend the cash getting swing set for my grandkids
I will spend the cash on a patio
Help pay for my best friends bridal shower..
I would purchase a laptop.
get a pergola for the back yard
We would use it to help build our dream backyard fire pit complete with swings & yard games for my teens & toddler so we can entertain & make memories with our family & friends all summer long.
I need new glasses!
I would use to take my daughter and nephew on a trip. Im trying to pay off some debt I have and evrey dime been going on that so this would be awesome! thanks for chance
I have a pet with ongoing health issues.
I would buy some nice electronics if i won.
I would use it towards my wedding this summer! Thanks for the chance! ^_^ #CashIsGreener
I’d use it to buy my family clothes
i need a vacation….help me d othat :o)
I’d use it to pay off some of my credit card debt – I’m boring, I know!
If I won I would buy an umbrella for my patio set and an area rug for my office.
The possibilities are endless! I’d spend it on my kids, myself and my husband!!
I will use the money to buy both of my kids uniforms, shoes and other needs for their new school.
I will use it towards our summer vacation!
If I win, I will put the prize towards a new mountain dulcimer to play.
I would use it for things we need for our fall wedding.
I have some DIY projects that could use that extra cash.
I’d use it to go visit my daughter!
If I were to win, I would use it for pet supplies.
Just finished my breast cancer treatments so have medical bills to pay.
I would definitely use it to beautify my yard…. I love adding things to it, including anything (NICE) butterfly, hummingbirds, solar lights, feeders, the list is ENDLESS!!
I would take my kids on a vacation! #GrassIsGreener
I am unemployed so this will help with bills and then maybe some clothes and extras
I would pay bills
I’ll buy a composter that I’ve had my eye on.
I would use the money to pay bills.
I’d take a fun trip.
I’ll spend a bit on a new shoes and put the rest in my saving account.
I’d pay off some bills
I would pay bills
I would use it to go on a mini vacation with the kids.
I’d pay off a bill and use the rest for some new clothes for my two boys.
Not sure but it’ll be a blast I’m sure.
I would use the money for our 1st vacation in a long time! Thanks for the opportunity.
I would use it to pay bills
I would like to say I would spend it on something fun but I need work done to my car so that’s where the money would go. I guess my car running smoothly would be fun for me.
i would buy my grandson a playhouse with the money
I would start working on my new back yard garden!
I would take every one out to dinner.
New cell phone
I would use it to pay bills
I would use this money toward my upcoming trip with my kids
I would make repairs to the deck.
Car repair that just came up
I would buy summer clothes for my kids and souvenirs on our travels.
i would use it towards a new mattress! thanks for the chance
I would use it for my wedding.
I would take my Mom shopping.
I would book a hotel for summer holidays!
I will use the prize money for fuel for our RV travels.
Use it for a celebratory nice dinner out with my family and maybe a couple of new summer clothing items.
Would use this for my trip with my wife to the cabot trail this summer !
I would put it toward my family’s Florida vacation this August!
i may splurge on a spa day!
I would spend it on a nice family outung of enjoyment #CashIsGreener
I would use it to buy lamps and a new chandelier
I would spend it on my mother in law. Her health is failing and I’d love to spoil her with dinner and spa day.
I’d use it to repair my car, which is sitting in the garage for weeks now, because I can’t afford to repair it.
I would buy cat food for the poor staving cats in our neighborhood
I would use it towards a trip.
I would use the money to put towards a vacation
Pay off some bills
I would use the money to buy a new lawn mower
The money will go in the emergency fund.
I would put it towards our wedding expenses!
I’m sure I could find something good to spend it on!
I would use the green to turn my yard green again
Buy a new grill and lawn furniture, and a fathers day gift
If i win this prize i will definitely spend it on some outdoor decorations for my backyard. It is in a sad state back there!
Probably i will use it for a short holiday
I will spend it on household goods we need.
I would adopt another cat and give the money to the Beverly Shelter in Waterloo NY.
Finish our bathroom refurbish.
I would take my family somewhere close for a stay-cation somewhere that has a pool and try to have a mini vacation
I’d put it towards my daughter’s college bills.
On outdoor furniture!
I would use it to get our dog’s teeth cleaned.
Put some away into my secret savings and spend a little at the casino!
I will save it to buy next years school supplies
I would put this money towards our medical bills.
The beaches in Florida are the best….I’ll spend it at the beach.
Save it for school clothes for next year!
We would put it towards a pergola that we want to build on our deck.
I would use it as a downpayment on a car with good gas mileage. My husband drives 88 miles a day for work and our Dodge only gets 13 miles a gallon. Yikes!!!
Thank you for the opportunity to win in this giveaway!
First I would tithe my 10%, then I would love to be able to treat my fiance and my grandmother (My best friends) to a fancy dinner. I desperately need some new clothes, take my dogs to the groomers, and then I would make my fiance and grandmother happy getting them whatever they wanted!!
Summer clothes for my kiddos!
I think i’ll get a new video game system for my kids. Thanks for the chance to win!
Buy myself something nice.
I will spend some on me and my kiddos and put some towards bills, this would be a great b-day gift since today is my birthday!!!
I would put this towards a girls’ weekend I’m having in Chicago in July!
I would buy my kids some summer clothes and outdoor games.
If I win I will use the cash to pay off some debt.
I would love to take a little mini vacation with the family one weekend.
I will put the money towards a trip to Ireland that I’m trying to plan for myself, my son and my brother. Slainte!
buy food #CashIsGreener giveaway
i would use the money to buy more supplies for my wood sign making business
I would take my mom on a trip to Italy
Catch up on bills and fix car. Thanks!
I think I’d spruce up my yard.
Most likely II’d use on groceries
To start a balcony garden
If I win I am going to put it towards my student loan monthly payment.
I would share with my Family and help with Bills or i would buy groceries and then get my nails done.
I would buy something for my grand babies
I would use this towards a vacation for my husband and me.
My daughter is coming home after her first year away at college. So I would put it towards doing some really fun things this summer!
dirt bike fuel
I would use the cash to help with movjng expenses! I move into my new home at the start of June and am so excited!!
I would either use this for a long road trip with Hubz this Summer…or as impulse money–new handbag and shoes? New living room lamp?
I f I will be lucky to win I will use the money for catering party for my parents wedding anversery the celebrating 60 years
I will buy a car
Saving to take my sister somewhere warm and fun. She has PTSD and is unable to travel on her own
Time to take a vacation!
I would be able to pay a handyman to put up the storageshed I still have in a package.
I will buy a new pc
#CashIsGreener I’d definitely use that cash to add more beautiful flowers to my flower beds. I love flowers, the fragrance & beauty of their bright colors that I enjoy so much this time of year!
I would spend the cash on a new front door. The only thing I really want to replace during our remodel but ours is just worn out and dated, so it didn’t make the budget because it’s not needed. Would love to put a new one in!!
I would buy new clothes because I have lost some weight.
I would by my mother a new Keruig coffee maker and food saver machine she wants them bad.
I’d buy my husband the new iPhone he wants!
#Cashisgreener I would use the money for my kids and I to buy my husband super special for Fathers day!
I will spend it to pay off some debt!
I would save it for our vacation fund that we are working on for next winter!
The money would be put towards my dream trip to Japan this summer.
I would spend the cash on a graduation gift for my daughter
I will use the money to help pay for a trip to Colorado for our son’s wedding.
Thank you! I’d pribably use it to buy a new wardrobe of workout clothes.
I’d like to put back for a holiday trip!
It will go toward a new couch for my apartment!
I’d pay some bills haha!
I would give three quarters to a good friend in dire need to pay bills and get food and the rest I would take my special needs loved one to a show and dinner
I would put it towards my parents 50th wedding anniversary gift!!!!
I would put the money towards a new fridge, before my current one finally gives up the ghost.
I would buy a plane ticket and go see my daughter in Alberta
I would put it toward a vacation.
It sounds so strange, but we really need a new front door! The glass has cracked on ours. This would even allow us to have it installed!!
If I win, I’ll be paying $500 on one of my credit cards.
I would use it for house renovations!
I would buy some new running shoes, coffee, and books!
If I win I would use it to help me with somebadly needed kitchen renovations.
Thanks for the fantastic giveaway and chance.
I would use this to pay summer camp for my daughter.
I would put $300 into my savings and $100 into each of my kids savings.
Torn between dental bills and Disneyland.
I would love to fly out to the East Coast to visit my kids and grandchildren. It’s been over a year since I last saw them!
Buy something nice for my parents
Great prize! I would put it toward enrolling my children in some kind of team sport this summer. The exercise and team work would be great for them. Thank you.
Would love to put a down payment for a home
I will be spending my Cold hard cash on my sweet little 3 year old. lol he has totally outgrown all of his clothes.
I would spend it on things that my husband and I would love to have, but haven’t been able to afford.
I would use the money for my sons’ college fees. Thanks for the opportunity.
Have a nice day!
I would buy some jewelry and a handbag
If I won I would buy a new couch .
I would throw out all of my cooking spices and buy all new. I need an update and spices do expire. Thanks So much for this opportunity
I will spend it on school clothes for my kids.
I would use this great prize to get extra goodies for our camping trips! Thanx for the chance.
I need a new table and chairs for the patio.
I will use the money towards books for my granddaughter in college.
I need to buy a new sofa!
that great I also will get sofa bed & food party
I would pay off some medical bills and buy a cute outfit for summer!
If I won I would use it towards fixing up my house! Before it falls apart around me lol!
I’m would put it towards the money I need for my son’s braces.
I would use the money to help pay bills.
I just became a first time grandmother two days ago. I gained a grandson, and an 8 year old granddaughter. I would use the money to help them buy stuff they need for their new apartment, and the baby.
I would give to the local food pantry. They are in dire need
I would use this towards my sons upcoming school suppies and for a new laptop. He has to have one going into high school and right now we just can’t afford it.
I would pay on some bills.
Put it toward my daughters college books
I would buy a birthday gift for my son and go to the zoo then eat something.
Summer clothes for the kids
Grandkids — everything for them
I would spend it by taking a little vacation. Check out a few museums, maybe a few days on the beach.
I would use it to attend the memorial service for a dear friend in July
I will use it to help move to our new home.
I”M not sure but it would go maybe save half and spend rest.
I would use the money to fix up my 100 year old house. I’d probably buy solar panels and install them myself.
First thing that comes to mind is food and electric. I’m only allowed to work but part time because of health problems. I will definitely praying for this. Thank you for the chance.
I would use this money to take my son somewhere during the summer because otherwise we cant go do anything lol! Thanks for the opportunity to win. Good luck to everyone!
I would use it for summer clothes for the kids.
I would stock up on low carb groceries, hopefully stocking up on GG bran crisps.
I will start my business
If I win I will use the $500 to get my truck back on the road. I’m going stir crazy spending all this time home bound.
I’d buy some paint
I would have to spend it on bills or groceries.
I would love a swing set/ play structure for the kids.
This $500. would make my vacation $500. better!
I would use the money to catch up on some bills and fix my truck.
If I won the $500 I would either save it for Christmas presents or get the new flooring in my house so we don’t fall through the floor!
Towards a washer and dryer.
Time to plan a graduation party
Utilities and maybe a night out with my girls
I would buy some spring/summer clothes and two tickets to Judas Priest/Deep Purple concert.
This is amazing, thank you for the chance and all that you offer the community.
This would really help me pay off my bills and buy my kids clothes. #CashIsGreener
I’d spend it all on luxuries – those are getting harder to afford all the time.
If I won I would be able to expand my new Hobby of indoor planting and gardening and get me some cute durable gloves, apron, and tools this helps with my PTSD & Anxiety love it

My husband deserves the bestest Father’s Day gift ever! That’s what I’d use the winnings on.
He’s never had a decent grill- I’d love to buy him the best!
Thanks for the opportunity!
I would extend the yard fence to make more room for my dogs. They would love it if they could have more room to run and play. I need to buy more posts to finish the fence.
pay bills
I need to fix up my yard the rains and hurricanes last year messed it up pretty bad i’d like to replant some of my trees and flowers that now need replaced.
I would use the money for my kids.
If I win the #CashIsGreener giveaway, I ll buy materials I need to start my small business.
I would use the money to buy my kids a pool for the summers. We have a nice big yard just need the pool!!
New clothes to celebrate my 93 pound weight loss!
This would be great for my kids upcoming school year. I have 2 to shop for and this would be a big help.
I would put it away and save it towards a Disney vacation for the family!!
It seems hard to win but when you do it’s agreat feeling. Keep up the good work
Would be so awesome to win!
There is a really nice wooden swingset i want for my daughter so i would use towards that.
I would us it to help pay for our once in a lifetime family vacation to Disney.
I’m going to spend it all on myself! Yup! Shopping spree and maybe a trip to the spa!
Gonna buy lots of horror vhs.
Pay on bills or get a new fridge
If I win, the money would go towards my daughter’s tuition and a new purse for me.
Is your giveaways good in the U.S.?
I will visit my aunt in Michigan.
I would spend the money on a trip to Disney World for my three kids, g o of such are disabled. They have been wanting to go for such a long time, and I’m not sure how much time we have left.
If I won I would use this money toward a movie night with hubs and kids (fun) and pay a few bills (reality). Thanks for the chance!
I would use the cash on our upcoming trip to Disney! It would really help offset the expense.
With three kiddos there is always a need..I would spend it on them..thanks for the opportunity
I would put the money toward my backyard makeover!!!
I have an Rx for a new pair of glasses that now include bifocals- $300! This is the 1st purchase I would make if I won!
A family trip to Disneyland!
I would spend it on my son who is graduating this summer!
I would use it to make a car payment
Would love to win this for some extra summer vacation money
I would use the cash to create a patio garden oasis.
Some new summer clothes
I would use it for back to school shopping!
I will use the money to pay off some bills. Thanks for the contest!
I would use the money to fix up our back yard. We moved in a year ago and its still just a yard of dirt. No matter how hard I try i just haven’t had enough time to tackle it. I would love for my babies to have actual grass to play on and a nice, safe fenced in backyard. My 3 year old has autism, he’s a runner and loves to put things in his mouth, dirt clods, rocks, mud. So playing outside is more of me stopping him from taking off and him eating things instead of playing and having fun. I would put this money to great use transforming our yard into a safe haven for my boy!
I will spend some on bills. I will probably spend quite a bit on groceries and gas. I’d like to get a new phone also.
If I won the #CashIsGreener giveaway I would finish our deck.
bills and a treat maybee shoes for myself
We are going to North Carolina for a family reunion I would use it for our trip.
I would use to fix my AC and buy a new mower.
I would spend the money on someone helping me clean my house
I would love to win. I know the odds aren’t in my favor, but I still hope!
I would love to put this toward a new couch for the living room.
I’m not ashamed to say I’d splurge on myself!
I will use it on my trip to the Bahamas this summer!
I’d plan a surprise beach weekend getaway for my family! It’s a 6 hr trip but well worth it!
I would save it for a car!
I would use it to pay bills.
I would use it to pay bills.
I need to purchase Final Draft software for my original screenplay which I am working to complete I would also shop for a new cordless mouse. Thanks for the super giveaway opportunity.
My husband had a stoke late last year, and there are medical bills. I would use the money for that.
I would use it to take my daughters on a well deserved vacation.
I would use it towards our vacation this fall. Thank you
I’m moving back to FL this fall, so it would be a big help with moving expenses!
I’d love to put it towards our honeymoon!
I really need new tires for my car. This would help a lot!
I would use it to pay some bills. It would be so great, thanks for the chance!
I would use it for bills.
I would use it for a family getaway.
I would use it to purchase some equipment to start my own business.
Recently separated and am working to finish a home remodel. Every bit helps and I’d love to buy paint for the kids rooms along with some bedding and decor items.
I would love to use towards building a shed!
I would use most of the money to get food and some cheap toys along with books and crafts so that my grandson who just finished kindergarten could come spend a month with us and I wouldn’t have to worry that we had all he would need
I would use it for gifts for my 4 grandkids and maybe a little something for Nana.
I am getting married in September, and would put it towards wedding expenses.
I would put towards my son college.
I would use the money to get a head start on back to school shopping or put it towards out family vacation to the beach! Thank you so much for the chance to win such an amazing prize. My fingers are crossed!
Oh I would use this to do a DIY idea on my daughters counter tops in kitchen!!!
I’m not going to lie, I would buy groceries and gas with it. I would also buy myself a few things to make my day brighter,….like a bouquet of flowers from the grocery store, and a beautiful hanging basket of flowers for the front porch. Maybe a hair trim too! #Cash really is Greener, especially when you need
Lovely giveaway!
I would use it to pay some bills.
I’d pay an extra car payment to get ahead!
I’d put it towards catching up on some bills.
I will use it to pay bills. Thank you for this awesome giveaway!
I’d use for a weekend getaway.
I’d use it for a swing set for my son.
I would use it for a short weekend getaway to Austin! #CashIsGreener
I would use it towards my bathroom remodel
I would love to take a small weekend vacation !
i will use cash to upgrade my kitchen
I’d spend the prize money on some summer fun! Outings to the waterpark, etc.
I would take my kiddos on a summer road trip to the beach!
I would save the money for Christmas gifts.
I would save the money until Christmas then buy presents!
I would use the cash to buy my son some new work shoes and spend the rest on dinner and evening out for the family.
Pay my bills
I would put it towards a new kitchen counter top.
I would use it to get a exterminator for these mice we have. We have tried lots of traps but there are just too many mice.
If you win the #CashIsGreener giveaway I’d use it to pay off my new iPhone! I dropped it in water yesterday and had to splurge to replace it!
I would buy a new KitchedAid mixer!
I would use it replace the garage roof
Vacation money!
I would buy a new rug for my bedroom
If I win this money, I will buy some groceries and what is left will go towards spoiling my grandsons
I would use it for gardening supplies and dinner out!
I’d use it to pay a bill or two.
#CashisGreener I would buy food and new glasses
I will save it in an emergency fund.
Well, I’d have to be practical and put it towards bills!
Re: WOW, I need the prize to buy much needed grocery & supplement to get well soon.
If I were to win, the money would go towards gifts for family birthdays and Father’s Day
We would use the cash for a fun weekend of camping.
I would take it with me when we go on vacation this summer
I would help with Bills but also would spend some the cash on my Family just because I Love them. i would Buy our GrandDaughter something nice from Disney store.
I would buys airline tickets for our vacation instead of having to drive two days straight. or put the money towards father’s day and birthdays or help put the money on our dishwasher to pay it off.
I will buy books
If I win the #CashIsGreener giveaway I Would used Toward Truck Repair And Buy Grogery And Meats If Have Any Money Left I would Buy Clothes my for Myself
i will buy books for donations, entry pls
I’ll spend it on supplies for out baby!
I’d use it on some back bills and get myself caught up. Wow. That’s popping.
I would use it for Bill of course. Lol
I would use it to pay for some Doctor bills and prescriptions and then buy Birthday and Christmas for my Grandchildren. Any extra use towards bills.
I would use the cash to buy groceries and pay bills.
I would get on top of a few bills, and maybe get some new clothes, too.
I would use it to beautify/furnish my patio.
this would go towards a new window for our bedroom
I’d put it away for a trip for my husband and I.
I would use it to buy some new clothes and sandals for the summer.
because of the price of gas in Canada, and me doing a one hour drive to dialysis and back, it will probably go towards gas
I will spend the cash on gardening supplies
My husband’s computer just died so I would use it to buy him a new one.
I would give half of it to my son who has helped pay for my living expenses. The other half would go to me and a charity. Either a Veterans..Animals…Church…Research facility..Children’s org etc Or I can donate a little to each.
I would use the money to get a new wardrobe
Probably boring stuff like gas and groceries haha. Or maybe fund my Pyrex addiction
If I win I will use this money to take my family out for a movie and dinner at a nice restaurant. (there are 8 of us!)
I will be using the cash to help homeless dogs

Help us to do a better life
I would buy a nice new bbq for out on my back and I’ll be abe to cook and look at all the GREEN around me
I would spend the $500 towards my moving e expenses, so that myself and my seven year old son can have a decent place to live.
I would use the money to pay bills!
Is it boring if I say to afford my rent?
New shoes for the family. I would also like to stock our freezer and pantry.
I would use it tospruce up my 3 season porch
Decisions, decisions. My phone is almost 6 yrs old, need new brakes, clothes, shoes.
Several needs but most concerned about my almost 6yr old phone.
I would take my kids to a hotel with a waterpark.
If I won, i’d use the money to take the first steps in following my dream job and hopefully one day it’ll come true!
If i won i’d use the money to take the first steps in following my dream job and hopefully one it will become true
I will use it on our vacation to Ontario in July
I would use it to build a chicken coop

Pay toward a bill. Thank you.
Pay down a bill. Thank you.
Sorry, I did a duplicate comment. Sorry about that.
make a mortgage payment
I would use it to update the outdoor furniture on my deck.
I’ll spend it all on cat treats!
I will use it i a vacation or i will get my self a laptop so i can take it to college for work
My car needs a new exhaust.
The Wedding fund
i would pay some bills!
I’d buy a moped
I would use the $500 prize for bills.
College for my kid
I will use it for our trip to Disneyland in September for my daughter’s 5th birthday.
I would put some of it in savings for the kids’ Christmas presents. The rest would be used for car repairs.
I would buy some new outdoor furniture.
i would buy my girls a trampline
I would take my children on a statycation and hae a blast!!
I will be using it to pay off credit card debt. #CashIsGreener
I think I would do the irresponsible thing and blow it on something fun like a Disney Dooney & Bourke bag.
I would use it for a weekend trip with the family!
i would buy baby clothes (i’m due in july)
I would pay bills
Our family would like to use this money for vacation expenses this summer. We are planning a road trip to see the Ark in Kentucky.
I would use it to purchase a laptop.
I would use the money for a really nice daytrip to the zoo in Nyc
I have someone in my life that has been working very hard on managing an illness he has. I am so proud of him and the progress he has made…. I would definitely put this towards a big —- I am so proud of you gift.
I would buy a plane ticket!
If I won, I would use the money to buy groceries.
Splurge on a mini weekend getaway for the family!!
I would use it towards a new refrigerator!
I will buy birthday gifts I have 6 birthdays in the next 2 months!! And if there’s anything left I’ll buy myself shoes
Winning would mean I could plan to meet up with a friend I haven’t seen in several years.
If I win the #CashIsGreener giveaway, I would use this money towards my college tuition. Thank you for the chance!
Save it.
We have a family trip to Maui in November and this would cover the rental Van perfectly!
Toward bills.
The #CashIsGreener giveaway will will help with a nice new bicycle for my nephew for his birthday.
I would buy coffee supplies.
I would use this money to get my teeth fixed. I need some pulled.
I would get Xbox One games.
I will use it help my daughter pay her college tuition
I would use the cash to plant more food for my family and neighbours/friends/chickens :P!
I would use it for school items for my children so we’re all set up for the new year!
I would spend it on textbooks.
I will use it towards a trip to see my family
I would pay off bills
I would get classroom supplies for my husbands classsroom
i will put it toward a new bathtub
i will put it twoard a new bathttub
I am remodeling my bathroom so this would go towards a new vanity for my bathroom.
I have a new rescue kitten that needs neutered! Thank you!
I will spend the cash on an upcoming vacation #CashIsGreener
I would use the money to help pay from medical expenses and needs for my special needs child. It would be a huge blessing!
I’d use the cash to treat my mom and dad to a lunch!
Family vacation
I would take about $40 off the top and go grocery shopping for a steak grilled dinner for us all. Then the rest would catch up son bills and grocery items and be well spent.
If I was lucky enough to win I would probably use it for something boring like using it towards bills thanks for the chance to win.
I have bills I’d like to pay down, so I suppose I’d use the cash for that.
I would use the money to cut down some dead trees in our yard and a fire pit.
I would pay some bills that are behind.
I would put it toward my mothers apartment. She is going through chemo and money is tight. Good luck everyone!!
i will buy a nice dinner out!
Pay off credit card
I would pay bills
I would use the prize to pay some hospital bills.
I would love to buy a tent and take my 2 grandaughters camping.We havent went since the loss of their parents.I think we could all use a little vacation.
I would use it towards bill for sure..
it would go towards a getaway for my hubby and me since we didn’t get a honeymoon last year when we got married
I would save it for a trip to Las Vegas
I would put the money toward adopting a new senior dog!
#CashIsGreener I “Get” it!! If I win I will use it for Pure FUN stuff. Not on bills, this would be FUN MONEY!
I will spend it on my baby girl due in 7 weeks
I would pay back my niece some money and get some clothing if I was the winner.
I would use it to finish my deck.
I will spend it on fuel for my car. Gas prices are outrageous now days.
Vacation and car payment!
Put into my savings and build it up.
I would put it toward my debt snowball!
I would use it to help with back to school supplies for my kids.
I would use the money to buy a new BBQ for my dad for Father;s Day
I’d use the money to take my daughter and husband to Disneyland. Thanks for the chance.
I would send my son to the summer camp he’s been wanting to attend for years that we just can’t afford!
I would use it towards bills & items for household organizing & cleaning! Thanks so much for the opportunity.
I would use the cash to catch up on bills
I’d save it towards my son’s college education.
I would use the money to pay down my student loans.
I would use the cash toward getting a place to live
I will fix up some rooms in my home.
I’d spend it on summertime fun for my family! Pool floaters, beach chairs, a cooler, a tent, stuff like that!
I would do some redecorating.
i would get my husband a tiller and a lawn mower for fathers day so we can make our yard beautiful
I would use the cash to send my family on a vacation. Thanks for the chance to win!