But for an entirely different reason then the TV commercials would have you believe. That’s right, this post is not about it being back to school time, although that itself is a reason to celebrate. No, this post is my opportunity to talk about one of my heart’s greatest desires and that is to be selected for the Disney Moms Panel 2013. Most of my family and many of my friends know just how much this means to me. And this is not just about the 2013 panel. This is the sixth year the panel has been around and I have been vying for a spot, with thousands of others, since the beginning. Application time is just around the corner for the new year and you will find a huge buzz is happening in the Disney community. Those of us with a passion, a deep seated love of all things Mouse, are waiting, not necessarily very patiently either, with our hearts in our hands and our Ears on our sleeves.
I don’t mind admitting that, when it comes to the panel applications and the realization of what it entails, well, I get a little emotional. Okay, a lot emotional. I know that more than a few of my family think I am just plain crazy, but they are starting to see that this is a sickness that ain’t going away. The only way to show you what I mean is to say this; think of your heart’s deepest desire and then multiply it by a million. I am not talking about things like winning the lottery. Think bigger. Like a person who is not an athlete in the traditional sense deciding that one day they are going to run a marathon. You can’t just up and run 26 miles the day you decide to. No, you have to train and prepare yourself for the assault on your body. Prepare for the emotions as your body changes, as you reach small goals and yes, prepare for the potential failure when maybe you just don’t complete that first marathon. But, in the end it is worth it to you, because it is your dream. Well, I feel that way about the Moms Panel.
The panel is all about helping people plan for their Disney vacations, whether they are heading home for the first time or the fiftieth time. Over the past five years the panel has grown to include “moms” who can help you plan to visit Disney World, Disneyland, take a cruise with Disney Cruise Line and a few other options. They even have several Spanish speaking “moms” who can answer questions in Spanish! Pretty darn diverse I’d say! And just to clarify a “mom” can be a dad to! Or anyone with a love for Disney and helping folks plan that magical vacation.
To be on this panel is my calling, my destiny, my true path. I simply believe I was born for this and it is just a matter of time before I get on it. One of my all time favorite quotes of the great Mr. Walt Disney himself is, “If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember this whole thing was started with a dream and a mouse.” Just typing this out has me tearing up. Also known as a vaklemp in this household. I will not stop dreaming, no matter what, but I really and truly hope this is my year! Stay tuned for more as the trip has only just begun…
Good Luck! I cannot believe that I don’t qualify to enter this year as it has been more than a year since my last trip! I will be cheering you on!!
Oh no MaryBeth, I didn’t know ;-( I will gladly take the cheers, but wish you could be on the receiving end as well. We will just have to work on a meet this side of the border and hope for a Canadian contingent for next year!!