Do you want to use a hydroponic garden to grow your own produce, but live in a small place? If you think that you can’t fit a hydroponic garden into your small living space, you are actually wrong. One of the best parts of a hydroponic garden is that it can fit into nearly any living area, no matter how small it may be.
Where Can You Find Hydroponic Kits?
Hydroponic garden kits are available from home improvements stores, local retailers and many other sellers. The smaller kits that are for sale often can fit onto a window sill or a table, like the popular AreoGarden. It’s cute shape is actually quite decorative and is totally self-contained.
Other great features of these kits is that they are charming and easy to assemble. They also offer many different lighting and watering schedules for any type of plant that you are trying to grow in them. If you have worried about making a mistake assembling your system, or if you think it might not be attractive in your small living space, these kits are a great solution for your needs.
Build Your Own Small System
If you have a uniquely shaped space that you are working with, or if you want to set up a specific type of system yourself, many of the most common systems can be made to fit any size space. You can even build your own hydroponic garden in a rubber storage container!
There are lots of videos and diagrams online of grow boxes and window farms that will fit into the smallest of spaces with ease. There are even ways to build a desktop hydroponic garden using a small bucket or a mason jar!
Add a Grow Tent To Your System
Grow tents are a great help to keeping your garden well-lit and warm enough to grow at maximum efficiency. A grow tent is basically a zippered box that fits around your garden to insulate and protect your plants. These tents come in many sizes and they are even made for the smallest garden.
The tents come in both square and rectangular shapes to fit any size space. All of these tents will ideally be lit by LED lights. Lights can be added easily and purchased from the same place that you buy your grow tent. These are some ideal grow tents for your small hydroponics system.
Summing Everything Up
Hydroponic gardens are a fantastic way to help save the environment, save you money and improve your health. Growing your own produce that is not exposed to any chemicals is very important and home grown produce always tastes better than what you can buy in the store. You will be so glad that you have set up your hydroponic garden when you harvest your first produce!
For tips on growing and eating what is in season, check out “A Guide To Eating Seasonably.”
Thank you to Michelle Gilfoyle from Sustainable Planet for this wonderful guest post!
“Hi there! My name’s Michelle and I’m a stay at home mom of one. Since I spend so much time at home, I make it my mission to research and find the best life hacks when it comes to the home life. I hope you can learn and benefit a little from what I write!
Do you have experience growing your own veggies or plants at home? Was it something you would try again?
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I tried the AeroGarden. It didn’t work and they replaced it. The second one didn’t work either and I gave up. I’ll have to settle for an outdoor garden, I guess.
Friends have been tslling me the grow tents works really well. I have one on the way so it may be a nice winter project !
I have been considering this but my biggest concern is my pets getting into it.
I would love to have a hydroponic garden
This would be great for spaces spaces like our condo!