I am sitting in my kitchen on the first Sunday morning in October and the year is 2012. I am contemplating what to write about. I really enjoy writing on a Sunday morning when the house is quiet and everyone is still in bed. Don’t get me wrong, if the opportunity to sleep in presents itself I am all over it, but when the urge strikes to write and it is early Sunday morn, well, it can be very peaceful. Now today is a bit different. That peace is not happening and that is because my young son William has joined me. Not to worry, I also love cuddling with him on any morning. 🙂 He is currently switching between watching various cartoons on the tele and running in here to tell me something fascinating. The best of both worlds for each of us. 🙂
So, while I still want to write today, now is not the best time. But, while the tea is steeping I thought I could do something quick, nothing fancy. The thought came to me; what do I see and hear around me? So that is what I am sharing today. Sitting at my kitchen table I have a view into my back yard. We are fortunate to have a rather large backyard by today’s standards. I don’t know the exact measurements, but it’s big. I hear about the size every time Doug goes to mow it. 🙂 But, a large back yard is a buffer from the neighbors and that is often a good thing. Our yard attracts all sorts of wildlife. Tons of squirrels and birds. Our yard is tree free, not by choice, but our neighbors have huge trees that hang over into our yard on two sides. Lots of homes for the birds. We also get a few rabbits, in fact there is a family living under our deck! Too cute! Of course, we have seen the odd raccoon and skunk and all summer long this adorable ground hog waddled around at dinner time. 🙂 Lots of room for the kids to play and the animals to.
Now, back to this morning. Aside from my view of the backyard I can see into our den which also fronts as a playroom. It is messy, but not too bad. However, being in a calm and tranquil place right now I can look at that mess and realize it means happy, healthy kids played there yesterday. I think it is a pretty sweet mess. 🙂 Now the kitchen mess, well, that’s another story…
The sounds I am now hearing are the shower running, the television and Emily and William fussing at one another. That is pretty normal around here. Shortly before that was the sound of snoring. Yes, that would be Doug. He says I snore, but we know that is not the case. Dainty women don’t snore, right? 🙂 Back to the kids. Pretty typical to hear them going at it one moment and then playing the next. I know this is normal for most siblings, but man it is tough to take. I really have to shake my head and wonder, ” how did our parents do it?”
The tea is ready and the kids are calling. The sun is not shining and there is a definite chill in the air, but it is warm inside and I have lots to be thankful for. Happy Sunday my friends!
Gemma says
And for some, MapleMouseMama, in Canada, it is a Thanksgiving Sunday as they have their dinners today instead of tomorrow. Your message sounded like a “Thanksgiving message” as you wrote about your blessings! 🙂 I could feel the tranquility and joy! 🙂
MapleMouseMama says
LOL Gem, I had full intentions of doing a separate Thanksgiving post today, holiday Monday, but our house has been stricken with illness again 🙁 Emily has been sick all day and she and I did not attend the family fun at the Rudge household. Leftovers it is!!
Happy Thanksgiving and love to all, Suz
Debbie White Beattie says
Some of the leaves are just starting to change colour which I hate because that means winter is on its way.
Debbie White Beattie says
I love this post because it shows how you tune in to all of your surroundings. I try to do that so I can appreciate everything that’s going on in my little piece of the world. Sometimes I get frustrated with noises I would rather not hear like the neighbors dog but then I tune him out