Lately I find it hard to fall asleep at night. I am plagued by all of the things I have done wrong as a parent. I can’t figure out exactly what those things are, but I surely must have done them because my kids have turned out, well, not exactly perfect. I know that no one’s kids are perfect and no person is perfect and we really do not want our children to be perfect, but how about close to perfect? Or even half way there? I would take that in a New York minute.
I have lamented before about our potty poopin troubles with William and they are still around. I actually thought we had turned a corner there about a week ago, but things just got worse. Now William doesn’t want to go to school next month. He is afraid he might have to poop while there. He has become the master of holding it in, but Junior Kindergarten is all day for him. He is worried, but really has no idea! Me? I am freakin’ out! During our holidays last week he didn’t even want to go out to parks etc because he was afraid he would have to poop. :-(. It has not been fun. Add in my increasing fears about his Food Allergies and I am seriously thinking about Home Schooling. Lots of moms and dads do it, right? The only problem is I would then be stuck with my two all day and I really don’t think any of us would survive that. That lack of perfection is not just on their part.
That leads me to Emily. Is there some unwritten law that says as soon as you turn ten you get to be mouthy and disrespectful to your parents and not fear any sort of discipline? I firmly believe she thinks she is immune to punishment because she always seems so surprised by it. And listening skills ( or the lack thereof ), whatever happened to just doing what you were told? Do these kids really think we are gonna forget what we told them not five minutes earlier? Do they really think we are that dense? Man, I want to pull my hair out and scream when she tries that. I just don’t understand kids these days. I am sure my parents are laughing their heads off as they read this and maybe they had that coming to them, but when the laughter is over I have to ask, what the heck do I do? I can take away privileges and toys, but it seems to do no good. I am at a loss. I am seriously considering boot camp or whatever those tough love places are called. Do they even work? Oprah and Dr. Phil make it appear as those they do, but I am sure they cost a small fortune. That leads me to another problem: money.Β I thought that I was doing a decent job of showing my kids the value of money and why it is important to save for what we want and need. Most of the time I am still pretty sure the lesson is being learned, but this time of year kills that. I honestly do not recall the definition of “back to school” as being ” I need all new things.” Did I miss that memo? Do your kids shoes get too tight over the summer to the point they need new ones even though they just got new ones in June? Do all of your pens run dry in nine weeks? Why is it necessary to “change your style completely” for that first day when the kids you are seeing just saw you in your old clothes two weeks ago? I think I am going to have “money doesn’t grow on trees” tattooed to my forehead cause I am sure getting tired of saying it. π
Perfection is far from my grasp and this little rant just confirmed it. πΒ The end.
Jud says
Hehehehee… go have a nice long listen to your mother… hehehehee…
Good luck!
MapleMouseMama says
LOL, so true Jud! Someone has to have some words of wisdom cause I sure don’t!
theadoredhome (@theadoredhome) says
I am so sorry your little guy is so worried. I pray that it will work itself out. I get it with the kids, but as you know my baby just got off to college and this is what I tell myself. Have a rant {because we deserve it} then remind myself it will all go by to fast. Boy I sure did not realize just how fast. I say grab a cup of your favorite drink mom and sit and take some time for yourself and dream of the most magical place on earth!
The Adored Home
MapleMouseMama says
Thanks for the great words of support Sandra, I really appreciate them and you β₯ I know that eventually it will be better, but the stress of him starting school, his allergies, the full day, the poop thing, etc etc… it is piling up! But if I blink too fast he will soon be off to college to so I had better stop and breathe π Thank you for the change in perspective. Mickey, here I come (if only in my dreams π
Gemma says
‘Bad’ that you have all that stress, Suzanne, but ‘good” I suppose, that you can vent and get some support from mothers who have “been there”…..except for William’s bowel problem, I guess. That does sound rather unique. If it helps, Emily was complimented by three different people today. They were complimenting her on her lovely smile and her pleasant out-going personality. Just a little something for the positive side of your scale. Hope you have a peaceful sleep tonight! π
MapleMouseMama says
Venting sure does help Gem! Thanks for sharing that about Emily. It is nice to hear she is behaving well when away from home, LOL and it makes me proud of the young lady she is becoming β₯β₯ Enjoy the roast tonight!
kathy downey says
When you define perfection donβt look at anyone we humans are fair from perfect! We do our best.