The MapleMouseMama family is proud to welcome our newest contributor to the site. I first met this talented lady when she started to read our posts and leave thoughtful and complimentary comments. I noticed her penchant for being in the kitchen and sharing her creations on Instagram. As you may know I do not share a […]
Owner & Chief Cook & Bottle Washer
So MapleMouseMama is my own little version of an online journal, a diary of sorts and an open forum where I can write about this and that. I have always enjoyed writing and even toyed with the idea of writing a book. I had a title all picked out. It was to be called […]
Contributor Lindsey Reeder
BIO: Lindsey Reeder spends her days talking on social media about books, movies and Justin Timberlake. She can be found on her blog talking about the same three topics! You can also find Lindsey on Twitter: @reederreads Lindsey has reviewed many movie screenings for MapleMouseMama. Look for some of your favourties below: […]
Contributor Jackie Psarianos
A little bit about Jackie and her passion for all things Disney..
20 Questions with MapleMouseMama
In trying to think of an easy blog post topic today, this 20 Questions idea came up. Nothing too strenuous, after all it is a long weekend. Nothing too political since today is Canada Day.
Something that might not interest anyone else but me, but, so what? I get to make another notch on my […]